Making Good Decisions
A decision is a choice that is made. What is a good decision? A decision in which you have carefully considered the outcome of each choice. Good decisions are responsible decisions.
An influence is something or someone that makes you want to choose one thing over another. Family Friends Media
What is a consequence? The result of an action you take. Some consequences happen fast and some take a while. (short term/long term) Does every decision have a consequence? They can be positive, negative, or neutral. Positive-help you or others Negative-harm you or others Neutral –neither help nor hurt you or others.
Identify the Problem Identifying the problem can be the most difficult step in a decision. If you worry about the wrong problem, you won’t make the best decision.
What is a value? Beliefs that you consider to be of great importance. Values represent the kind of person you want to be. Honesty, etc… Values come from your traditions, culture, background, and religion. Character is the way a person thinks, feels and acts. Good character helps make good decisions. Decisions based on good values almost always lead to good results.
An option is one of several choices that you can make. The best way to list all options is Brainstorming. Brainstorming is thinking of all possible ways to carry out your decision.
When making any decision you must consider all the consequences good and bad. Which consequences have the best result? Which consequences are bad? Answering these questions will help you make good decisions.
You’ve thought through your options and weighed the consequences. Think about which option will bring about the best consequences for you and others. Choose the option that represents your values. Take your time and choose wisely. No matter what you choose, the option is something that you have thought about and acted on with the best intentions.
Once you have acted on a decision, you should stand back and look at your results. Ask yourself the following questions Did I uphold my values? Do my parents approve? Do I feel good about my action? If you answered yes to these questions, you’ve probably made a good decision
What is Peer Pressure? Feeling that you should do something because your friends want you to. Is peer pressure positive or negative? Positive peer pressure can help you make the right decision. Negative peer pressure can keep you from doing the right thing. What are refusal skills? Strategies you can use to avoid doing something that you do not want to do.
Avoid dangerous situations. Say “No” Stand your ground. Stay focused on the issue. Walk away. You need to practice these skills so you are comfortable with them.
Having a support system will help you deal with making decisions. When you support your friends, you are creating positive peer pressure. That is true friendship!
A goal is something that you work toward and hope to achieve. Short-term goal-goals that do not take long to reach. Ex. Homework. Long-term goal-are built from short-term goals and can sometimes take years to reach.
What is an interest? Something that you enjoy and want to learn more about. A new hobby, or maybe to try painting or photography. Think of goals you might have because of your interests. These goals you will want to reach. What is important to you? What resourses do you need? A resource is something you use to help you. A mentor is a person who can give you good advice Accomplishment is a step toward your goal.
Reaching goals can take a long time. List steps that you need to take to reach your goal. Make a chart that shows each step. Check them off as you go. Reward Your Success! Rewaard is a prize you give yourself for accomplishing a task. Do not be afraid to change your goals.