How long can THC be stored in the body? Up to one Month THC is the chemical in marijuana that cause the high.
What is the legal age for drinking in the United States? 21
Why do people smoke if they know it has negative health risks? They are addicted or hooked What is the addicting chemical in tobacco? Nicotine
How does alcohol effect a persons body? Poor vision/ blurry Lack of coordination Death Hangover Vomiting
What is peer pressure? Getting pushed by friends or kids your age to do something you do not want to do. Give an example
People who smoke can suffer from what types of disease? Heart Disease Cancer Emphysema
Why do people advertise their products? To make money by selling their products
Peer Pressure Strategies… How many strategies did we discuss? 99
List the 9 Peer Pressure Strategies Say No Steer Clear Reverse the Pressure Ignore Broken Record Make an Excuse State the Facts A better idea Walk Away
What is the most effective communication style to refuse peer pressure? Stand tall Speak up Make good eye contact
What effects are caused by chewing tobacco? Bad Breath Yellow Teeth Mouth cancer Tooth decay Stomach cancer
When setting goals, who should set your goals? You
True or False: Beer, wine, and liquor contain the same amount of alcohol? True
Why should you not drink alcohol? Its illegal. (Must be 21) Drinking to much could cause alcohol poisoning It could prevent you from reaching your goals
What is going to help you get what you want in life? Goal setting
True or False: smoking marijuana could cause you to forget things? True Marijuana causes short term memory loss
What are things you can do to reach your goals? Work hard Never give up Don’t do drugs
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