Sixth Grade NETS-T Expected Progress April 2010
Sixth Grade: NETS-T Meeting on March Summary of Planned Adoption of New Tools and Practices Reading: Use of Comic Life and Podcasting as additional means of responding to literature. Interested in having students share/publish these on a website, whether through the school library’s web page or another web venue. Reading: Incorporate use of digital resources for citing print and other media sources, eg. into existing lessons on copyright and citing sources.
Sixth Grade: NETS-T Meeting on March Summary of Planned Adoption of New Tools and Practices Language Arts: Use of Writing Tracker for ISAT, with students comparing and entering rubric scores in Fall and Winter, using these screens as launch-points for conferencing with teacher and setting own specific goals (and action steps) to achieve before March ISATs. Reading and Language Arts teachers would like to see this tool expanded to incorporate MAP reading scores and goals. Language Arts: Open-ended assignment being explored this spring for poetry unit. Possible new tools that teacher will be a lead learner in, as students explore ways to interpret selected poems using iMovie and GarageBand, as well as other Web 2.0 tools they have been introduced to, including Vokis, Wordles, Glogs, etc. Language Arts: Incorporate use of digital resources for citing print and other media sources, eg. into existing lessons on copyright and citing sources.
Sixth Grade: NETS-T Meeting on March Summary of Planned Adoption of New Tools and Practices Science: Use of Diigo or other social bookmarking sites as a way for students to contribute found resources before, during, and after the unit on Introduced Species. Possible incorporation of Skype as students interview experts in the Great Lakes area and other places of interest. Students will plan interview questions based upon research, conduct the “live” interview via Skype, transcribe results of the interview, cite sources of newly-learned information Students will share/publish their knowledge via a variety of end products on the school’s web page or another web venue.
Sixth Grade: NETS-T Meeting on March Summary of Planned Adoption of New Tools and Practices Interdisciplinary: Use of social networking tools appropriate for students, student organization and maintenance of a wiki for a sixth grade book club. Wiki could be used in a variety of ways, including as a forum for discussion questions about various titles. Skype may be incorporated as a means of accomplishing a “Meet the Author” event for one or more books.
Sixth Grade: NETS-T Meeting on March Summary of Planned Adoption of New Tools and Practices Social Studies: Not Present. Plans TBA. Math: Not Present. Working on familiarization with existing tech resources as instructed. Exploratory: Report from Exploratory Committee to follow. P.E.: Not Present.
Where We Will Be: Sixth -1A
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Where We Will Be : Sixth – 2C Need to research these!
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