Dragan Šašić, Director of Serbian Chamber of nurses and health medical technicians What we have done so far: legislation, regulations, competencies for nurses and midwives?
Significant dates Founded Association of secondary health medical workers Health care Law Law on Chamber of health care workers Amendments and supplements of the Law on Health Care
Serbian Chamber of nurses and health medical technicians (SCNHMT) Serbian Chamber of nurses and medical technicians is independent, professional organization, established by Law on Chambers of professional health workers, in which membership is compulsory and its independence is guaranteed by self-financing. Serbian Chamber of nurses and health medical technicians possesses public authorities regarding the directory keeping of all health workers of Republic of Serbia, license issuing - permission for independent work, its renewal and revocation, adoption of a Code of Professional Ethics, establishing of Courts of Honor, etc… Serbian Chamber of nurses and health medical technicians uses its public authorities and became one of the significant stakeholders in Health system of Republic of Serbia. About people got their licenses for their independent work.
Professional associations They worked on the establishment of Chamber Until 2007 they were starting the initiative for amending the legislation Active cooperation with Serbian Chamber of nurses and health medical technicians Since 2009 carriers of the project for continuing education for health workers
Registration 1 First register done in 2008 Informational system started working in 2009 Information regarding three areas: 1. Data on schooling 2. Data on employment 3. Data on continuing education
Registration 2 Following steps: Automatic updating Expanding fields of information Connection with other stakeholders in the Health system (Ministry of Heath, Republic Fund of Health Insurance, National Agency of Employment…)
Licensing Stipulated by the Law on Health care since 2006 and the Law on Chambers of health workers Applied since 2008 License period of seven years The condition for the extension of license is 168 points gathered in the process of accredited programs of continuing education Currently licenses were issued
Health Care Law System Law that regulates the perpetrators and not the performers of the work For the first time in the history of the profession, concept of health care and their bearers is defined in 2011 and its Amendments to the Law on Health Care Correction of irregularities regarding the perpetrators (previously stated that chosen physician is implementing health care).
Law on Health Care? A special Law or the new Law on health care? There are several Draft Law on health care and the law nursing and midwifery The inability of Law enforcement in neighboring countries Final statement is brought by Ministry of Health of Republic of Serbia
Regulation of apprenticeship (training period) New Regulation in effect since 2010 This covers profiles of all health care workers and all levels of education Formed a commission (partly from the profession members) for evaluating in accordance with Serbian Ministry of Health Commission has not been changed at the Examiner for secondary school qualifications
Regulation on detailed conditions for practicing health service 1 Extremely important Regulation Define minimum staff for opening the health facilities Current regulation is unfavorable for nurses and midwives, or for other profiles of health workers The working version was recommended to Serbian Ministry of Health which introduces nurses and midwives with higher education in the health care system and the coordinate system of education according to the Bologna process to the needs of the health system
Regulation on detailed conditions for practicing health service 2 Proposed changes to the criteria for their application: Basic vocational studies identified in the Code - previous ranking senior nurses and technicians (previous crossing over into professional) Basic studies-profile organizer of health care as well as for graduate nurses, first enter the system, but the proposed restrictive quota of one graduate nurse-organizer of the 150 beds, and the primary health care level this relationship would be 1:100,000 population covered Health Center. Leave a possibility that healthcare institutions through professional development plans provide for the possibility, in accordance with its needs, the profile of vocational qualifications. Introduce a new profession "caregiver" because in the current system the term is not recognized
Documentation of health care Does not exist in any piece of legislation, and is used in a small number of health facilities Currently there is a proposal (4 versions) There was no possibility that until now they have been introduced into the health system Extensiveness is a basic problem in professional and practical part There is no electronic version of any proposal
Competencies 1 Done the National purview of Nurses and Midwives (2007) Not an official document recognized by the Serbian Ministry of Health Adopted by Serbian Chamber of nurses and medical technicians Publisher: Association of Nurses KCS "nursing" The main authors of the project: Verica Corluka, Zora Petrovic, Zorica Milosevic, Dobrila Pejovic Over nurses and midwifes were included in writing of this paper The third edition is planned for year 2014
Competencies 2 Allocation and grouping within the existing three levels of care was performed - All nursing activities are presented as: Health care Medical-technical work, Health education and educational work, Medical records and Research in Nursing
Thank you for your attention !!! Serbian Chamber of nurses and medical technicians