Abstract #TUPDE202: Collaboration and Cross Training between Health and Correctional Services Leads to More Integrated Services for PHAs in Prison: Poster Discussion XVII International AIDS Conference Mexico City, 3-8 August 2008 By: Ontario Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2 Issue Higher rates of HIV & Hepatitis C infections among prisoners in Ontario (Canada) than among the general population. In 2003 study, rate of HIV infection for adult prisoners was 1.6%, or 4.5% for those with IDU history (0% for youth); HCV rate of 19% or 54.3% for those with IDU history (0.4% for youth). Individuals do not have the same access to care and support in prison as in community, and it can be inconsistent. Few formal links between prison health staff and AIDS Service Organization (ASO) workers. The Ministries Goal of collaboration between Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care & Ministry of Community Safety & Correctional Services : Increasing HIV/AIDS awareness and training for prison nurses and prisoners; Increasing knowledge of prison system for ASO workers Advocating for appropriate health care for HIV-positive prisoners Building relationships and increasing collaboration among community partners Streamlining services for prisoners prior to, during, & after their prison terms
3 Current Activities Cross-training workshops are provided to both sectors to discuss issues and develop strategies to improve and integrate services for prisoners. Approximately 200 people have been in attendance for three conferences. (Physiology of HIV Transmission in Women and Men, HIV Medications, Treatment Issues & Pain Management, etc…) Quarterly working group meetings – including such training as Harm Reduction in Prison, Discharge Planning, Nutrition Inside. A brochure is being finalized, which will be given to all prisoners upon intake. Developed to provide information on HIV, STI, Hepatitis C prevention and testing, along with other health promotion information.
4 Outcomes Ongoing communication and cross-training provide both sectors with a better understanding of the processes and strong links for continued collaboration. ASOs report better working relationships with prison nurses - more open to working in partnership to improve the integration of services for prisoners. Next Steps The two ministries will continue to support cross-training, between the two sectors with ongoing meetings. Annual conference scheduled for Nov 18/08 with focus on mental health, HIV and addictions. Regional networks are being established with correction nurses and ASO workers. Brochure to be finalized and distributed.
5 For More Information Frank McGee AIDS Coordinator AIDS Bureau, Provincial Programs Ontario Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care 393 University Street, Suite 2100 Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 1E or Joanne Lush, Program Supervisor Community-based AIDS Education & Support Programs AIDS Bureau, Provincial Programs Ontario Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care 393 University Street, Suite 2100 Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 1E or Sincere thanks to colleagues from the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services; as well as all the members of the Working Group.