KICK OFF MEETING TEMPUS Competency Based Curriculum Reform in Nursing and Caring in Western Balkan Universities Ljiljana Mugoša & Valentina Lješević - Dedić Ministry of Education February
Outline of presentation Institutional framework Legislative and strategic framework Directorate for HE and its role in creation of HE policy in Montenegro The role of Ministry in the context of the project Institutional framework Legislative and strategic framework Directorate for HE and its role in creation of HE policy in Montenegro The role of Ministry in the context of the project
Institutional framework Parliament Government Higher Education Institutions Public InstitutionsPrivate Institutions Preschool Education Institutions Elementary Education Institutions Secondary Education Institutions Secondary GeneralSecondary VocationalCouncils National Council for Education Council for Qualifications Council for High Education Ministry of Education Institutions Bureau for the Education Service Center for Vocational Education Examination Center Bureau for Textbooks and Teaching Material
Organization of the Ministry of Education MINISTER Directorate for Preschool, Elementary and Education of Persons with Special Education Needs Directorate for High, Upper Vocational, Adult Education and Education of Minorities Directorate for Higher Education Higher Education and ENIC DepartmentDepartment for International AffairsDepartment for Pupils and Students Standard Directorate for Youth and Sport Youth DepartmentSports DepartmentSports Inspection Department Department for Education Inspection Department for ICT Service for Investment and Public Procurement Finance and Accounting Service Service for Personnel and General Affairs Internal Revision Department Qualifications Department
General Law on Education and Upbringing Law on Preschool Education Law on Elementary Education and Upbringing Law on Gymnasium Law on Vocational Education Law on Adult Education Law on National Professional Qualifications Law on Education of Children with Special Education Needs Law on NQF Law on Higher Education Law on Recognition of Foreign Certificates and Equivalence of Qualifications Law on Recognition of Foreign Qualifications for Performance of Regulated Professions Law on Professional Training for Persons with acquired Higher Education Decree on Norms and Standards for Financing of public HEIs and Financing of Students at HEIs Enrolment Policy at the University of Montenegro and around 50 accompanying regulations Legislation
Strategies Strategy on Early and Preschool Education ( ) Strategy on Development and Financing of HE Strategy on Development of Vocational Education in Montenegro ( ) Strategy on Life-Long Career Orientation ( ) Strategy on Setting up the Montenegrin Qualifications Framework, The Government of Montenegro, 2008 The Strategy on Inclusive Education
We deal with the following activities: Normative-legal activities (laws, regulations, rules, bilateral and multilateral agreements, contracts…) Implementation procedure for the recognition of foreign educational documents in accordance with the recognition and assessment of educational documents (ENIC), Coordination of projects under EU programs to support reforms in higher education; Coordinate the mobility of academic staff in accordance with the program CEEPUS, bilateral and multilateral agreements on the basis of scholarship foreign governments; Harmonization of laws and regulations with the regulations of the European Union; DIRECTOR0ATE FOR HE
HE reform in Montenegro based on Bologna principles Introduction of life-long learning policy Introduction of students as partner in educational process Recognition and assessment of diplomas in accordance with Lisbon Convention Development of study program structures with defined learning outcomes Development of student services (offices for international cooperation, career development.
Ministry role in the context of the project Support EU integration process Participates in Chapter 3 of the Negotiation process related to the Harmonisation of Montenegrin legislation with Acquis Communitaire, dealing with regulated professions Took part in varius events, both local and international related to the nursing education (several TAIEX missions) the work on the action plan for regulated professions in Montenegro Very supportive towards the idea of harmonisation of nursing curricula with new Directive EU/55 EU requirements
Challenges ahead Build on what has already been done, namely take into consideration conclusions made by Tom Keighly, in order to avoid overlapping, but create synergy between activities, especially taking into account the small system as Montenegrin system is Make complementarity with so far activities and future steps related to the harmonisation of nursing education in Montenegro Support the idea of bridging programmes Include Association of Nurses as an official partner in the project which...