Partnerships between professional associations The RCN and the Zambia Union of Nurses Organisation Andrew Clarke RCN International Committee Clinical Lead Health Visitor, Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust Technical Health Advisor, Kidasha, Nepal
The RCN’s international purpose I & II Enhance care and health and wellbeing in the UK and elsewhere by improving professional practice internationally. Represent, advocate for and strengthen the status of the nursing profession internationally. The RCN’s position statement on human rights and nursing
The RCN’s international purpose III Improve the health of communities internationally by working with nursing and other organisations to shape health policies and build the capacity of counterparts
RCN’s international purposes in action Supporting volunteering – partnership with VSO and work with the Department of Health Influencing health policies – the post-2015 sustainable development framework Advocating in Europe, e.g. on workforce planning Partnerships with counterpart associations
The Royal College of Nursing The Zambia Union of Nurses Organisation
The partnership aims to: Strengthen ZUNO as a national nursing association that influences health policy, represents nurses and nursing and promotes good practice
Ministry of Health Professional associations Hospitals Clinical setting ZUNO, with RCN support, can influence:
Questions for reflection & consideration: To what extent does your partnership understand the landscape in which health policy is made and implemented? What do you understand of the roles and influence of the Ministry of Health, professional associations and trade unions, regulators, educators, hospital management and staff? Questions for discussion: To be more effective, what more does your partnership need to know about influencing change in policy and practice? How can your partnership interact with professional associations (or how might you interact with clinical partnerships)?
Final thoughts: The terrain of health policy making and implementation is complex and dynamic Good professional associations understand what drives stakeholders, and they have some influence Talking to professional associations may provide a richer understanding of the potential for change and possible blockages