1 Current Vietnamese Healthcare Model
The Vietnamese Hospital Network MINISTRY OF HEALTH 63 PROVINCES 641 DISTRICTS 11,000 Community Health Centers Primary care 11,000 COMMUNITIES TERTIARY SECONDARY FIRST REFERRAL PRIMARY CARE Hospitals Beds % of Beds 86 27,300 12% ,700 30% 426 Govt 117,116 50% 170 Private
Hospital Composition Goal: increase private sector to at least 20% 3
Challenges: Hospital Beds
Challenges: Doctors and Nurses
Ho Chi Minh City: Large, Urban City 8 Million Ho Chi Minh City 8.5 Million New York City
The Hoa Lam Corporation
Hoa Lam Corporation: The Beginning Mr. Duong Ngoc HoaMadame Tran Thi Lam
Key Milestones Founded Hoa Lam- Daelim motorcycles JV with Kymco