Maryland EMS Update January 2005 Clay B. Stamp, NREMT-P, CEM
GMAC Health and Medical Oversight/Approval of HRSA BTCA Grants Law Enforcement TAG (Protocol Development) Surge Capacity TAG (NCR COOP, State TAG) PIO Activity TAG Planning TAG Activities…..
HRSA Bio-Terrorism Grants FY 03 FY 03 *$940,000 – 80% Local, 20% State *Regional Councils Prioritization Process *Funds Obligated May 30, 2004
HRSA Bio-Terrorism Grants FY 03 FY Hospital Bed Capacity/Surge Capacity 2-2 Isolation Capacity (Quarantine) 2-5 Pharmaceutical Cache 2-6 PPE 2-7 Decontamination 2-10 Communication and IT 4-1 Hospital Laboratories 5-0 Education and Preparedness Training $350, $244, $119, $138, $42, $45,000 Total Expenditure $940,000.00
HRSA Bio-Terrorism Grants FY 04 FY 04 *$600,000 – 80% Local, 20% State *Regional Councils Prioritization Process *New Distribution Formula Approved by Regional Affairs *1 st Quarter 2004 Action
Presidential Inauguration Fred Activation Fred Activation Seventeen Maryland Hospitals – Bed Status Seventeen Maryland Hospitals – Bed Status EOC Coverage MEMA EOC Coverage MEMA CHEMPACK CHEMPACK
Regional Forums Regional Forums Regional Forums *Facilitate Regional Networking between Public Health, Hospitals, and EMS *Identify Progress and Develop Project Goals *Utilize Regional EMS Councils to Support Continued Dialogue and Activities
Communications State Interoperability Efforts State Interoperability Efforts MIEMSS Communications Engineering MIEMSS Communications Engineering *DOJ Grant – Digital EMSTEL *MESIN and Central Md. Interoperability Support *Continue with Tower and Microwave Installations
Health and Medical Surge Capacity The Ability for the Health and Medical System (EMS, Public Health, and Hospitals) to Expand and Contract to Handle Demand The Ability for the Health and Medical System (EMS, Public Health, and Hospitals) to Expand and Contract to Handle Demand *NCR Concept of Operations Plan *State Surge Capacity Plan
WMD 2001 Plan Recommendations : Preliminary Report Card ExceedsDone Work in ProgressN/A# Tasks Alerts Health and Medical Resource Coordination Health and Medical Coordination Mass Fatality Care Mass Patient Care Surveillance and Detection
Maryland EMS Update January 2005 Thank You