Welcome to 8 th Grade Science Find your name on you desk and have a seat at that desk. If you cannot find your name or your name is not on a seat, remain.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to 8 th Grade Science Find your name on you desk and have a seat at that desk. If you cannot find your name or your name is not on a seat, remain standing. Your schedule should state in room 913 with Ms. Bartlett. (If not then you are in the wrong location.)

Attendance Students are expected to be present and in class on time. Students are expected to make up all missed assignments. If absent you can keep up with the class by accessing Canvas at home or my website will have the assignment for the day.

Ms. Bartlett’s Contact Information Phone: Class Webpage: Harris Road Home Page Faculty: 8 th grade Ms. Bartlett

Syllabus Read and Discuss

Interactive Notebooks You are required to have a notebook for the class. Must have at least 100 sheets of paper. It can not be a three ring binder. You will keep all science work for the entire year. You will need a glue stick or tape to use in your notebook. Please try to get your notebook by our next class. You will need this as soon as possible.

Student Information Fill out the student form

Bathroom Pass All students will get 9 bathroom passes per 9 weeks. –These bathroom passes are for emergency use only. –If you abuse your bathroom privileges you will not be permitted to go to the bathroom again during this class. –You must keep up with your bathroom pass. –DO NOT ASK TO GO TO THE BATHROOM 15 MIN BEFORE OR AFTER THE BELL.

Class Rules/Procedures 1. Student is seated when entering the class and assignment will be on the board to start working on each day. These are graded weekly for correctness. 2. Respect the people, equipment, and furnishings of Room No sleeping in class. 4. No profanity 5. Only bottled water allowed (Except during labs then no food or drinks allowed)

Class Rules/Discipline 6. Student is prepared with notebook, notebook paper, pencil/pen to use. 7. Cell phones or electronic devices are allowed, but need to be put away unless otherwise instructed 8. Student gets classroom work done in timely manner and uses spare time constructively. 9. Student does not talk and socialize during class time. 10. Student picks up all paper around their desk and does not need prompting to do so.

Class Rules/Discipline 12. Student does not get out of seat during class without permission. 13. One person talks at a time. RAISE YOUR HAND 14. Stay in seat until I dismiss the class 15. DO NOT HERD AT THE DOOR AT THE END OF CLASS. 16. If waiting in hallway stay against the wall single file. Do Not Be In Middle Of Hallway Blocking People From Walking In Hall.

End of Class All trash is expected to be picked up from around your desk..

Classroom Procedures Signal/ActivityTeacher ExpectationStudent Expectation Quiet SignalI will raise my hand to signal for the class to quiet down. You will raise your hand, turn toward me, put everything down, and stop talking. NotesI will teach and respect you. You will take notes, if you have a question or something to contribute to class you will raise your hand and wait to be called on. Group ActivitiesI will circulate the room, and assist the group as help is needed or is necessary. You will work in a manor that your conversation stays within your group. You will stay with your group and not move around unless permission is given.

Classroom Procedures Signal/ActivityTeacher ExpectationsStudent Expectations Start of classI will have an activity or assignment posted for you to complete as you enter the room. You will enter the room, have a seat, and complete the warm up within the allotted time. End of ClassI will stop in enough time to allow you to clean up and straighten up your work areas. You will clean up all trash around your desk

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