Welcome to Meet the Teacher Night Mrs. Fix Room 108 Fill out parent survey Sign up for a conference Write a short note back to your child Sign up if you want to be my room captain
Expectations All students can learn All students will work to the best of their ability Students will participate in classroom activities Students will work together and respect each other Homework will be completed by the student and will be handed in on time
Behavior Management Rules are listed in classroom Discipline Plan signed and returned Behavior Cards Recess – fill out behavior journal Super Job – extra recess
Homework Assignment books Given nightly District policy 10 minutes per grade level (3 rd grade = 30 minutes) Tic-Tac-Toe Completed independently Returned to school daily Finish at extra recess – may play when complete 3 missed assignments – teacher/parent must sign assignment book nightly
Class Accounts Students will get money for numerous reasons in the classroom examples include: homework or positive behavior Money can be subtracted for inappropriate behavior Class store at end of month Discuss with your child what you do/do not want them to purchase at the store.
Classroom Store Jolly Rancher Bookmark Highlighters Lunch w/Mrs. Fix Pencil/penPlay inside for recess Stickers Homework pass 1 st in line for recess/bus FEES: Inappropriate behavior in halls or at an assembly or pulled a card in the classroom
Reading Text divided into 6 themes Phonics Robust Vocabulary Comprehension Strategies Fluency Guided Reading – Extra Support & Challenge Weekly tests/Theme tests Accelerated Reader
English Grammar DOL (Daily Oral Language) Storytown Response Journal Writing prompts Writer’s Workshops Writing Strategies Speaking & Listening
Spelling Phonics Apply spelling patterns to unknown words Spelling words correctly in everyday writing 20 words taken from Storytown Challenge list given if pretest is 100% or 95% New words given on a Monday Spelling test on Fridays SpellingCity.com
Math Flexible Groups Emphasis is on: –Problem-Solving –Math reasoning –Applications to real world situations –Analyzing data –Written explanations –Technology Topics: Numbers/Operations, Time/Money, Place Value, Multiplication/Division, Graphing, Fraction/Decimals, Measurement, and Geometry
Science Mrs. Herman Emphasis: –Standards based life, earth, and physical science content –Scientific inquiry –Hands-on investigation –History and nature of science –Assessed in a variety of ways –Science Fair Topics: Plants/Animals, Earth’s Land, Cycles on Earth and in Space, Investigating Matter, Exploring Energy and Forces
Social Studies Mrs. Fix Emphasis: –Lehigh County (field trips in spring) –History –Geography –World & Cultural Studies –Economics –Civics Big Ideas: Living Together, People Long Ago, Changes Over Time, Citizens Take Part, Human Needs & Wants, Meeting People Core Lessons Map Skills Extend Lessons Vocab. Skillbuilders
Information Transportation Issues- need a note Medication/cough drops – must be brought in by parent Birthdays – No edible birthday treats and No invitations unless entire class (all boys or all girls) is invited & allergies Scholastic Book Clubs – checks only Thanks for coming! I really appreciate your support!