Just Get Them Jobs Anne-Marie Martin President, AGCAS and Director, The Careers Group, University of London
Lord Browne proposes a free market for Higher Education. Very little direct funding from the government to Higher Education Institutions Instead everyone who reaches the minimum tariff of UCAS points will be eligible for a ‘mortgage’ to spend on the Higher Education course of their choice.
Wrecked Browne by putting a cap on fees. Money switching from institution to students To ‘drive up quality’ Emphasis on ‘informed consumers’ through the Key Information Set Government philosophy defines outcomes but not inputs. Keen to shift from public to private sector delivery
KIS – arriving 2012 Satisfaction with the Course – 11 items from National Student Survey Learning and Teaching methods used Assessment methods used Destinations of Leavers from HE - primary outcomes Percentage of those employed in graduate jobs Average full-time salary Professional Bodies that recognise course Cost of halls of residence/private rental accommodation Bursaries/scholarships available Satisfaction with Student Union Number of clubs and societies run by Student Union
“Our careers service used to be one of those old fashioned ones – all guidance and counselling but I got rid of it. Now we have a modern employment focussed team” Pro Vice Chancellor 94 Group institution
“Careers Services will have to stop being just about advice and actually find us jobs – you know – like a recruitment agency” Head of Students Union, Midlands University
“I’m fed up with all this cuddly social work stuff, get us further up the employment rankings” Head of Faculty, Research-led institution
“We’ve got to improve our destination statistics. I’ve told careers ‘Just lose the forms of the unemployed’ ” Anonymous (More than my life’s worth!)
Careers V Employability
Choose the right students Make sure the students choose their degree wisely Structure the curriculum so they gain appropriate knowledge and broadest possible skills Give them the widest possible co- and extra curriculum experience Student societies; Volunteering; On campus jobs; Internships; placements; vacation work Help them to understand themselves and the market To analyse their gaps and how to fill their gaps Provide remedial support for those who can’t read, write and add-up Give extra help to non- traditional students
Teach them to network, identify opportunities, apply and be selected Introduce them to as many employers as possible Help them to make decisions Did I mention work experience? Place them in jobs (recruitment agency) Provide intensive coaching to those still unemployed in July ALL BESPOKE TO DEPARTMENTS Know about every overseas job market and UK work permit regulations
START EARLY ENGAGE THEM EFFECTIVELY Collect their destinations as effectively as possible
Fortress Guidance
Good work…but I think we need just a little more detail right here THEN A MIRACLE OCCURS IN OUT
Unwelcome boarders to be repelled or helping hands to be welcomed?
Counselling Guidance Advice Placement
Prepare, prepare, prepare Set Objectives Make first impressions count Ask Open Questions Sell benefits not features Summarise key benefits Ask for the order Follow up Straight away Identify the problem Scare them Provide the solution
A future packed full of opportunities AGCAS members crucial to delivery Provided we embrace the new agenda And, if necessary, find partners And do something about messages to our stakeholders
The general pattern of the employment of young graduates, which is our principal concern alters very little from year to year. This may seem surprising in an age of change both in the University & the outside world, but it may well be due to the fact that our clients comprise numbers of human beings whose hopes & fears do not vary much from one generation to the next 1959