Objectives 1) Know the normal components of urine. 2) Know the abnormal urine components.
The composition of urine reveals much about body function The composition of urine reveals much about body function. Metabolic waste products such as carbon dioxide, urea, uric acid, creatinine, sodium chloride, and ammonia are normally present.
Natural Components of the urine Consists of urine in general of the contents of organic and other non- organic in the form solution.
1- non-organic ingredients: Water- salt- sulfur- chlorine- phosphorus and co2 in the form of bicarbonate and sodium- potassium- calcium- magnesium- iodine- copper and iron. 2- organic ingredients: Urea - creatine - ammonia - uric acid.
Abnormal Components of the urine Protein sugar Acetone bodies Pigments Bile salts Fat Epithelial cells
physical properties of the normal urine A-Color The color of normal urine is due to a pigment called urochrome, which is the end-product of hemoglobin breakdown. Hemoglobin--->Hematin--->Bilirubin--->Urochrome--->Urochromogen
B-Transparency (cloudiness or turbidity A fresh sample of normal urine should be transparent.
C. Hydrogen Ion Concentration (pH). The normal range is between 4 C. Hydrogen Ion Concentration (pH). The normal range is between 4.8 and 7.5.
D. Protein. The large size of protein molecules normally prevents their presence in urine.
E. Glucose. Only a small amount of glucose is normally present in urine (0.01 to 0.03 g/100 ml of urine).
F. Ketones.. G. Hemoglobin Ketones and Hemoglobin are no found in normal urine.
H. Specific Gravity . The specific gravity of a 24-hour sample of normal urine will be between 1.015 and 1.025.
Components of the urine is abnormal or pathological. 1-protein (albumin) The urine natural completely free of proteins as they do not run through the walls of capillaries due to the large size fractions Since the molecule
Albuminuria is a pathological condition where in albumin is present in the urine. It is a type of proteinuria. albumin smaller particles of plasma proteins (albumin - Fabroujen - globin) is the first plasma proteins that appear in the urine and this is called the case Albuminuria (Albumin - uria).
The reasons for the presence of albumin in the urine: a- physiological causes, such as - After the violent muscular effort - Pregnancies - Stand for long periods - After eating a diet rich in protein This is because a temporary imbalance in the renal session
b- the causes of pathological (disease) such as - Cases of heart failure and other diseases Sick of the kidneys such as renal failure and acute and chronic cases of urinary tract infections
2- Glucose Normal urine does not contain any proportion of sugar, but can appear in the urine 1-Physiological reasons such as eating a diet rich in carbohydrates, high emotions and trauma, the first months of pregnancy 2- pathological reasons such as diabetes (Diabetes Mliutus)
3- Ketone bodies After the completion of the process of fat absorption begins with the metabolism of her either oxidize to release energy or stored within the connective tissue. The first step in the process of oxidation is called process of configuring the ketones and meaning break down fat and converted to ketone bodies in liver cells .
4- Blood The causes and the presence of blood in the urine: - Address some of the drugs that increase blood thinners - Kidney disease (blockage in the kidney or urinary tract genital) and inflammation of the ureter and bladder ulcer - Cancer or urinary tract hemorrhage as a result of light
5- fat When a disruption in the lymphatic system appears the fat in the urine
6-kidney stones kidney stones is a solid concretion or crystal aggregation formed in the kidneys from dietary minerals in the urine.
7- cells pus The presence of cells pus or white blood cells found in the urine is a medical condition and the reason for its appearance is the presence of inflammation in any area of the urinary tract due to infection and these cells can be seen through a microscope.
URINALYSIS :the steps
Name: …………………… Date :…/… / 2010 Physical Examination: normal Abnormal Colour : Yellow Deep yellow/ Redash/smoky/… Aspect : Clear Turbid Reaction : Acidic Alkaline Specific Gravity: 1015 -1025 >-< Deposit : nil +/ ++ /+++ Odor : Aromatic Different
Chemical Examination: Protein : Glucose : Ketone bodies: Blood : Urobilinogen : Bile Salts : Bile Pigments :
متابعة الفيديو التالي: طريقة تحليل البول 3 مقاطع: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-ftjjDvpc0&list=PLY2YAvtwKBOf-gRT6aWYndEVfqaQq_pgN