The American Revolution British expect it to be over in less than a year Both sides think large decisive battles are the best strategy Ideas quickly shift
British ADVANTAGES Loyalists (20% of pop.) William Franklin Africans freedom offered DISADVANTAGES Hessian Mercenaries German 30, 000 5,000 stay in America Lack of leadership
American ADVANTAGES Home front defensive war Fought for home British depended on mercenary Hessians Weapons Washington’s use of the Fabian Strategy DISADVANTAGES Supply shortages Outmatched Inflation from funding the war effort
New York British British Gen. Howe Battle of Long Island Howe thinks Washington will surrender Americans Patriot Nathan Hale Hung as a spy by British Inexperience soldiers
New Jersey Victories Trenton & Princeton British can be beat Hessians surrender to Americans Gen. Washington crosses the Delaware river Christmas attack
Battle of Saratoga Patriot Guerillas slow down Gen. Burgoyne British lack leaders Gen. Howe is stuck in Philadelphia British realize they cannot cut New England of from the rest of the colonies Oct, 1777 Gen. Burgoyne surrenders Allies realize Americans can actually win
Allies enter FRANCE France declares war on Britain Send money, equipment & troops to America SPAIN Spain hated England Declare war on England Didn’t recognize American independence Fight mostly in the South Spanish governor of Louisiana opens New Orleans to free trade
Valley Forge Lack supplies and housing Bad weather Marquis de Lafayette Bought supplies Friedrich von Steuben Trained soldiers Redesigned camp layout Juan de Miralles Convinces Spain, Cuba & Mexico to send financial aid
Home front Life Women take on husband’s responsibilities Abigail Adams “I can not say I think you are very generous to the ladies,” Loyalists Many flee to Canada Hopes for new freedom
Expanding Fronts West Natives believe British are a lesser threat Mohawk Chief Joseph South Loyalist Charlestown & Wilmington crushed British Gen. Cornwallis faces off against Gen. Horatio Gates British win but receive little support from Southerners Guerrilla tactics “Swamp Fox” Francis Marion Cornwallis heads north to Virginia, almost captures Jefferson Washington sends troops to Yorktown
Naval British blockades prevent supplies and reinforcements Americans destroy their own ships to avoid __________ Privateers help Continental effort John Paul Jones American naval officer Raids British ports Father of the navy
Yorktown 1780 French Gen. Rochambeau arrives in New England British fleet follows them in and traps them in the bay Washington camps out waiting for another French fleet won’t sail until 1781 He changes plans (secret) Lafayette and Cornwallis keep British at Yorktown French fleet arrive under Admiral de Grasse Rochambeau’s troops arrive Washington marches 200 miles without British finding out
Cornwallis’s defeat Oct. 9 the Americans attack 10 days later Cornwallis surrenders British navy unable to reach him Battle of Yorktown ends the war
Independence British still hold Savannah, Charlestown & New York Delegates sent to Paris for a treaty Americans-Ben Franklin, John Adams & John Jay Treaty of Paris 1783 Britain recognizes American Independence Borders set from Atlantic Ocean to Mississippi river and from Canada to Spanish Florida British withdraw all troops Americans gain fishing rights off Canada British merchants can collect American debts Loyalist properties returned
Wars end issues Newburgh Conspiracy Congressed refused to pay soldiers pensions Soldiers threaten not to disband Washington fears a revolt that would lead to Civil War Convinces Congress to pay up “If, retiring from the field, they are to grow old in poverty….then shall I have learned what ingratitude is.” 1783 Washington resigns and returns to Mount Vernon 1776 Revolution inspires the world 1789 French Revolution
Timeline & Biographies Place all events from the vocabulary into a timeline. Provide a summary of each event. Star the 3 events you find most interesting, justify. Place all people from the vocabulary into a Revolutionary war biography pamphlet. Draw an image to represent each person. Write a 3 sentence (minimum) summation of their importance to the Revolutionary War. Choose 3 other people you believe should be added.