1 SAS Users Group Conference Opening Session Rick Andrews, CMS SAS Users Group Kerry Weems, CMS Administrator Jim Goodnight, CEO SAS Institute
2 Effective Habits “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, Stephen R. Covey, Be Proactive 2. Begin With the End in Mind 3. Put First Things First 4. Think Win-Win 5. Seek First to Understand 6. Synergize 7. Sharpen the Saw
3 Put First Things First “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, Stephen R. Covey, Trivia, Gossip, Busy Work, Time Wasters, Water Cooler 3 Meetings, Interruptions, Phone Calls, Popular Activities 2 Training, Planning, Prevention, Relationships, Documentation 1 Crises, Deadlines, Fire Fighting, Pressing Matters NOT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT NOT URGENT URGENT NOT URGENT IMPORTANT NOT IMPORTANT NOT URGENT NOT IMPORTANT
4 What are Your Big Rocks? Documentation Training Crisis Deadlines
5 Quadrant II Activities at CMS 1. CDUG George Wilson, CBC, CMSnet.cms.hhs.gov 2. CMS SUG Rick Andrews, ORDI, SAScommunities.org 3. CMS Toastmasters Andrea Triggs, CMM, CMS.FreeToastHost.us data users group
6 Message from the Administrator Kerry Weems
7 The Right Tool for the Right Job
8 Tools Used at CMS
9 Message from CEO of SAS Jim Goodnight
10 New Technologies The Benefits of SAS Access to Teradata SAS Enterprise Business Intelligence COGNOS BI and the New BESS MicroStrategy BI and the New BESS What's new in SAS 9
11 Basic to Advanced SAS Topics PROC FORMAT the Veg-O-Matic of SAS The Basics of SAS Functions Everyone Needs a Raise (Arrays) Skinning the Cat this Way and That: Using SAS to Create Microsoft Word Documents By-Group Processing
12 Statistics Fraud and Improper Payments using SAS Descriptive Statistics for Healthcare Data Using SAS/Insight to Explore Outliers Models to find Aberrant Utilization Patterns Predictive Modeling Markup Language
13 CMS Specific Data CMS Data Sources Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) Validating & Grouping Diagnosis Codes
14 Updates Corrections: 1:00 Auditorium COGNOS BI Cancellations: 2:00 SAS-L & SAS Community 3:00 Teradata and the IDR
15 Announcements Closing Remarks 16 th Most Powerful Person in Healthcare, Chief Actuary, Rick Foster Door Prizes Four free books Trivia for Trinkets Post Conference Celebration Bare Bones, 5:30 – 7:00
16 Happy Halloween! Have a great conference!! Many thanks to: Patrick Alcorn Kai Anderson Rick Andrews Elizabeth Axelrod Brenda Beck Dave Bott Joe Brenner Walt Dunick Rick Foster Jim Goodnight Jane Hall Dara Hammond Russell Hendel Mark Ireland Sandy McNeill Kim Michalski Jeff Mudd Cara Petroski Yadira Sanchez Marge Scerbo Andy Shatto Jim Summe Sanjeev Vohra Dan Waldo Kerry Weems & anyone we missed !