JBCardenas © 1982~2006 Telecommunications JBCardenas © Q1516 ECE125 HW Average score in lieu of a Q5 and part of CW HWs are due even if the related topics were not yet discussed
Telecommunications JBCardenas © 1982 JBC © 1982~2006 v 3.01 HW1 due before Finals © jbc Max group size 7, minimum size 2 hence no solo submissions Problem: Prepare a movie lecture movie on a ECE125 topic with the following guidelines: Use phone or digicam to capture an Instructor’s Lectures on a Topic; ideally use not only one camera at the time of capture (and only when I look good, ) Craft an editable movie about the lecture of approximately 10 mins runtime Check with me as to final Title of movie, and before final publishing First part 30 sec to 1 minute is the actual live lecture with me shown Next part are the PDF handouts converted into slides or stills with short narration You may include relevant movie segments from other sources End with the actual live me lecture, at least for 5 seconds We can arrange for off-premises special takes once most of the movie is done. See me ahead of time, say before week 8 for title, viewing and final editing End with credits, just like a regular movie, include sources All unutilized movie segments ect… to be destroy at end of term Standard file extensions for type in VCD in format prescribed for portfolios A non-live movie, consolidate from other sources is acceptable but should include an opening segment with me talking at the start for at least 30 seconds. Source: JBC 43-HW10THE
Telecommunications JBCardenas © 1982 JBC © 1982~2006 v 3.01 HW2 due before Q2 © jbc Max group size 4. Package as a mini-thesis or mini-design report. IEEE Problem: Prepare an engineering OSP design for these given and objectives: Switch and gateway are located at Mapua Intra EECE faculty room Demand for 200 POTS lines in St. Scholastica’s music hall Demand for 200 POTS line ins DLSU’s chapel Demand for 100 POTS lines Manila Doctors, Seattle Best store, UN Ave Design the routing plan, assume you have right of way, permits, etc…; ideally find shortest distance There should only be one cable run in the street, that is you cannot have three cables each going to the 3 demand points, along Taft Ave. Undertake the subscriber loop computations for 1000 supervision limit and 6 dB transmission limit, assume telephone set, switch, splicing, drop wire, etc… = 0 loss; you have to get this part correct to get a passing grade for the HW. Design for lowest cable cost. Use only Cat3 cables of gauges , non-loaded, compute BOR if needed Routing plan only, no need for detailed engineering showing poles, etc…, but make sure to indicate cable sizes and gauges in the routing plan. Redo the subscriber loop computations using the final results Bill of Quantities for cable used Source: JBC 43-HW10THE
Telecommunications JBCardenas © 1982 JBC © 1982~2006 v 3.01 HW3 due before Q3 © jbc Max group size 5 with XX is remainder modulo 6 of sum of equivalent number of 1 st letter of members’ surnames. Ex: Dense and Easy = 3. Diagrams in separate non-IEEE pages Problem: Determine the smallest number of transceivers system-wide, to provide mobile service while meeting the requirements stated below. Prepare a cellular Map with distances indicated. Results have to meet the requirements to get a passing grade. Source: JBC 43-HW10THE Xx = (Remainder mod 6 of sum of equivalent number of 1 st letters of members surnames)/100
Telecommunications JBCardenas © 1982 JBC © 1982~2006 v 3.01 HW4 due before Q4 © jbc Max group size for HW4 3, package all HW as a research report or min-thesis, IEEE Problem: Design an SDH loop, using point to point FSO, meeting the following given and requirements; Use SDH ring topology with SPRING protection Three demand nodes, St Scholastic’s music hall, DLSU chapel, and MaDocs Seattle Best store, with each having a load of 20+x E1s Compute for smallest SDH multiplexer sizes Assume LOS with no obstructions or buildings, thus you need not determine antenna heights anymore, determine only the multiplexer sizing Select available equipment and materials and determine FSL, not that you are not to use FOC. HW to include SDH and related specifications. Provide single line schematic diagram, over the actual street map. Peer rating at the end of term, forced rank with 5 highest per HW, list all members HW1 HW2 HW3 HW4 Ave You zero for non-participation Co-members x x -- leave blank if not a member Source: JBC 43-HW10THE Xx = (Remainder mod 7 of sum of equivalent number of 1 st letters of members surnames)