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Presentation transcript:


RIDDLE WHAT AM I ? EXAMPLE 1 I am a bird I have two wings. I can swim. I can’t fly. What am I? I am a………………….

RIDDLE WHAT AM I ? EXAMPLE 2 I am a small animal. My color is green. I have four long legs. I have a big mouth. I can jump. I can live on land and in water What am I? I am a………………….

RIDDLE WHAT AM I ? Example 3 I am a big animal. I live in the jungle. I have big mouth and sharp teeth. I like eating meat. I am the king of the animals. What am I? I am a……………………

RIDDLE Example 4 WHAT AM I ? I am a big animal. I have four legs. I have a mane. I have a long tail. I can run very fast. What am I? I am a…………………….

RIDDLE I WHAT AM I ? Example 5 I am a domestic animal. I have beautiful fur. I like eating fish. I have four legs. I have sharp teeth and claws. What am I? I am a………………….

RIDDLE WHAT AM I ? Example 6 I am a big animal. I have four legs. I like eating grass. I can produce milk. What am I?

RIDDLE WHAT AM I ? Example 7 I’m a large bird. I am brown. I have two big wings. I have sharp claws. I like eating meat. What am I? I am an………

RIDDLE WHAT AM I ? Example 8 I am a pet animal I have four legs. I am smart. I hate cats. I like barking. What am I ? I am a………………

RIDDLE WHAT AM I ? Example 9 I am an insect. I am small. I can be scary. I have eight legs. I spin a web. What am I? I am a…………….

RIDDLE WHAT AM I ? Example 10 I am beautiful. I have six legs. I can fly. I am colorful. What am I ? I am a………………

RIDDLE WHAT AM I ? Example 11 I am an animal I have four legs. I live in Africa. I am big and grey. I live in the river. What am I? I am a………………

RIDDLE WHAT AM I ? Example 12 I am a small animal. I live in the house. I eat everything. I am usually grey. Cats like eating me. What am I? I am a………………

RIDDLE WHAT AM I ? Example 13 I eat vegetables. I can run fast. I have long ears. Carrot is my favorite food. What am I? I am a……………..

RIDDLE WHAT AM I ? Example 14 I’m a small insect. I am black and yellow. I have two wings. I have six legs. I make honey. What am I? I am a…………

RIDDLE WHAT AM I ? Example 15 I am an animal I can swim and dive. I have two legs. I have wings. I quack. What am I? I am a……………..

RIDDLE WHAT AM I ? Example 16 I am an animal. I can be poisonous. I am long. I have a forked tongue. I hiss. What am I? I am a……………..

RIDDLE WHAT AM I ? Example 17 I am a big animal. I have four legs. You can ride me. I have tusks. What am I? I am an………………

RIDDLE WHAT AM I ? Example 18 I am an animal. I live in Africa. I am yellow and brown. I eat leaves. I have a long neck. What am I? I am a…………………….

RIDDLE WHAT AM I ? Example 19 I am a small animal. I am brown. I eat nuts. I can climb trees. I have a nice tail. What am I? I am a……………  

RIDDLE WHAT AM I ? Example 20 I am a small animal. I have feathers. I lay eggs. I can sing I can fly. What am I? I am a…………..

RIDDLE WHAT AM I ? Example 21 I am a mammal. I am hairy. I live in the jungle. I can act like people. I like eating bananas. What am I? I am a…………..

RIDDLE WHAT AM I ? Example 22 I am a small animal. I have feathers. I lay eggs I live in a coop What am I? I am a…………..