3 main ideas EXPLAINED WELL 2 ideas, not explained so well Uses unit vocabulary Introduction Body Conclusion
Why did Ancient Egypt become to large and rich? Introduction: Hook: Main Idea #1: Main Idea #2: Main Idea #3: Details Details Details Conclusion: Essay Map
RAFT R ole Pyramid builder Artisan – jewelry, papyrus, coffins, bricks Merchant Scribe Pharaoh Mummy Water Drop Camel Hippo Crocodile Time Traveler Soldier Archaeologist Etc. T opic (pick 3) Pyramids Temples: Karnak, Deir el Bahri, Luxor Valley of the Kings Nile River Delta Black Land – Red Land Trade Abu Simbel – Ramesses and other pharaohs Workers and slaves Science and Stuff Military - army A udience Who are you talking to? Mom? Friends? Me? People from the future? The aliens? Etc. F ormat Letter Diary Essay New Story Etc.