East Whittier City School District 2016 Local Control and Accountability Plan LCAP Community Meeting #3 May 27, 2016
Welcome Back Family and Friends! Mrs. Mary Branca Superintendent
LCAP Community Meeting #3 TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More
Agenda for Today Review the LCAP Timeline Review the 8 State Priorities Review the LCAP Annual Update Revisit Stakeholder Input if Needed for Revisit Goals & Progress Indicators for Allow Time for Questions & Clarification Review New LCAP Requirements Discuss & Approve Updated Needs and Goals Review Budget and May Revision Discuss Actions, Services, & Expenditures for Review Next Steps LCAP Community Meeting #3- May 27, 2016
8,974 Students 10 Elementary Schools (5- Title I) 3 Middle Schools 55.08% Unduplicated Percentage 53.78% Low Income 14.07% English Learners 0.80% Foster Youth
GOAL SETTING Stakeholder Engagement Inform and Communicate Online Surveys Step 1 January 2016 PROGRAM PLANNING Identify Service Needs Data/Progress analysis Prioritize services and actions Initiate Budget Development Step 2 February- March 2016 ACTION PLANNING Draft LCAP Annual Update Prepare Budget Step 3 March – May 2016 ADOPT LCAP Annual Update AND BUDGET Step 4 June 2016
Purpose of LCAP LCAP : The focus of LCAP is student success in eight state priority areas! Where are we now ? Where do we want ALL students to be 3 years from now? How do we get there with the money that we have in this District?
8 State Priorities
LCAP Elements
Stakeholder Input
Let’s take a look! Goals, Actions, and Expenditures by East Whittier City School District for LCAP Annual Update LCAP Goals Conditions of Learning: All students will be in learning environments that will allow them to maximize their learning potential. Pupil Achievement: Students will exceed state and county averages on standardized test and demonstrate proficiency on local measures. Engagement: Students will feel safe and secure at school and their parents will feel welcome. This includes lowering suspension and expulsion rates.
LCAP Goals & Actions
*Declining Enrollment
LCAP Goals & Actions ELA -S-44%, C-42%, 52% Math-S-33%, C-31%, 37%
LCAP Goals & Actions * Showing Progress % % 64.6%
LCAP Goals & Actions “Parents feel welcome at schools” Survey Question: % of parents who feel that they are partners with the school is: % % *Progress Needed
LCAP Goals & Actions As of April 1 st % *this now includes Special & General Education
LCAP Goals & Actions District Suspension Rate: 2.19% District Expulsion Rate: 0% California Healthy Kids Survey “Feeling Very Safe at Schools” vs th 86% 82% 7 th 70% 74% “Feeling Connected” vs th 68% 65% 7 th 53% 66%
LCAP Goals & Actions District Drop Out Rate: 0% Middle School Drop Out Rate: 0% As of April 1 st % *this now includes Special & General Education
LCAP Goals & Actions California Healthy Kids Survey “Feeling Very Safe at Schools” vs th 86% 82% 7 th 70% 74% “Feeling Connected” vs th 68% 65% 7 th 53% 66% *Progress is needed
Let’s take a look! Goals, Actions, and Expenditures-LCAP Annual Update
Annual Update
Questions & Clarifications
LCAP Updates: LCAP Template will remain the same for New LCAP Template coming in ESSA Requirements for Accountability are coming! LCAP Evaluation Rubric to go into effect Oct. 2016
Our Challenge What do we need to do to continue to improve the achievement of ALL students while closing the achievement gap for students below proficiency with the limited funds we have?
Budget Update
California and the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) California’s school finance reform has been mostly equity based, redistributing additional funds to districts with high unduplicated pupil percentages. California continues to rank in the bottom 10% of pupil expenditures in the nation Without adequate funding for all LEAs in California, we are not likely to see significant achievement improvements Source: Quality Counts 2016 report Per-Pupil Expenditures Adjusted for Regional Cost Differences RankState PPE* PPE % of National Average – $11,841– 46California$8,33970% *Per-pupil expenditures, adjusted for regional cost differences
LCFF Target Funding Factors As a condition of apportionment, school districts must ensure all school sites comply with average K-3 (including transitional kindergarten) class enrollment of 24 by full implementation of LCFF to annually receive the 10.4% GSA Grade Span Base Grant Per ADA Grade Span Adjustment (GSA) Add-on Adjusted Base Grant K-3 (10.4%)$7,083$737$7, $7,189– 7-8$7,403–
LCFF Funding for EWCSD LCFF growth provides an average increase in per-pupil funding of 5.94%, or $520 per ADA. –Individual results will vary widely across districts East Whittier City School District LCFF growth provides an average increase in per-pupil funding of 3.9%, or $318 per ADA.
Projected LCFF Funding for EWCSD Projections provided through are based on assumptions and planning factors developed by the Department of Finance. Proposition 30 temporary taxes may expire in 2018 and a tax extension is not guaranteed
Revenue Limit vs LCFF Funding EWCSD will receive $ $2000 less per student under LCFF when compared to surrounding school districts
Updated Needs and Outcomes 3 Years: to **See chart in packet
Conditions of Learning:
Pupil Achievement:
Drafting the LCAP Budget Maintaining-Expanding-Adding-Replacing
Our next steps in the LCAP Process…
Thank you for a great day! Contact Information: Mrs. Gabriela Tavitian, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Support Services (562)