WORKSHOP ON PROJECT CYCLE MANAGEMENT (PCM) Bruxelles 22 – 24 May 2013 Workshop supported by TAIEX
What is a Project? A project is any set of inter-related activities established to achieve specific results which together achieve the project purpose - all within specified time and budgetary constraints. Inputs-activities-results-outcomes (purpose & overall objective)
Session Focus Logical Frameworks Setting Objectives and Indicators
K.I.S.S. The Lord ’ s Prayer 54 words 10 Commandments 297 words American Declaration of Independence 300 words EU Directive for exporting Duck Eggs words
LOGICAL FRAMEWORKS Hierarchy of Objectives Assumptions Objectively Verifiable Indicators Means of Verification
The logframe approach – process and product Stakeholder analysis – identify who has an interest and who needs to be involved Objectives analysis – identify solutions Problem analysis – identify key problems, causes and opportunities; determine causes and effects Activity scheduling – set a workplan and assigning responsibility Resourcing – determine human and material inputs Developing the logframe – define project structure, logic, risk and performance management Options analysis – identify and apply criteria to agree strategy
THERE HERE 7. What do we need to get there? What detailed activities and resources are needed? 6. How will we know if we’ve got there? How will we monitor and evaluate? 5. What may stop us getting there? And what can we do to get around these obstacles? 4. What needs to be put in place? And how will we do that? 3. Where do we want to be? 2. Where are we now? What are the problems? What are the possibilities? 1. Who are ‘we’? Who has an interest? Who should be involved? Project Planning: The 7 Key Questions
Overall Objective Purpose Results Activities Parties’ Interests
Level of Interest Improved level of services Legislation complies with Acquis Departmental Unit established Knowledge and skills of key staff upgraded Study tour to EU member state
Objectives – what you want. Organised in a hierarchy by asking either: “What will that get me?” or “How will I get that?”
Greater WHY WHY WHAT HOW The Hierarchy Overall Objective HOW Purpose Results Activities WHAT
OVERALL OBJECTIVE PURPOSE RESULTS ACTIVITIES If The Logic of the Framework Deliver Achieve Contribute Then
If … Then relationship So what is a hypothesis? A prediction about a cause and effect relationship involving uncertainty If I get a bus at 7.00 am Then I will get to the workshop on time
Hierarchy of Objectives/Project Structure Overall Objective Project Purpose Results Activities Inputs High level programme objective to which the project contributes The sustainable change we are trying to achieve and that will continue once the project is over usually with an identified institution. What needs to be put in place for change to occur: what we can deliver. Activities executed by the project to produce the results. Physical and non-physical resources necessary to undertake activities. Plan Down Implement up Outside our control Within our control
Sort into a chain of If…Then Development of domestic “legislation” related to the acquis. Certification for Departmental services. Improvement in provision of services. Ensure appropriate capacity of department staff for “legislative” work.
Key Questions What long term change (impact) are we contributing to? What immediate change (outcomes) do we want? What things do we need to put in place to get that change? What kinds of actions must we take to get those things?
Output Categories Human Capacity Systems Knowledge, Information, Policy Infrastructure Materials, Documents, Website Awareness, Engagement
Outcomes Results Activities Inputs Impact Financial human and material resources Actions undertaken to transform inputs into outputs ‘Expect to see’ The end products or deliverables of the activities; within team control ‘Want to see’ Immediate effects on clients ‘Hope to see’ Long-term improvements in society Implementation Results The results chain
Exercise 1 - Objectives Take a look at the project fiche you have and, using the “if, then” approach review the relationship of; Activities to results Results to purpose Purpose to objective Now answer the following questions: Are they sufficient to achieve the Results; Purpose; Objective? If not, what would you change/add? Work in groups, then feedback to plenary
A Project as a Journey If you were taking a bus journey how would you know you had arrived at your destination?
Indicators / Targets Tell us how we will recognise success Force us to clarify what we mean by our objectives Provide a basis for Monitoring, Review and Evaluation
What do you think about this? Overall Objective: “To strengthen institutional capacity in the area of road transport.” Indicator: 1. Department of Road Transport will be a better functioning organisation. 2. Department of Road Transport will have a clear strategic vision of its future work.
And this? Sub Objective: “Systematise Department of Road Transport functions.” Indicator: “the Department will have a document listing all of its current functions, an organisational chart, work flows, critical posts/functions, and job descriptions”
And this? Output: “Presentation of the Policy Advice Paper.” Indicators: 1. Awareness raised. 2. Knowledge transferred.
Exercise 2 - Indicators In groups of 4 - Take a look at the Fiche you have and try to identify likely Indicators at Sub-objective level Then look at one of the Sub Objectives and try to identify likely Indicators at - Activity level against the Outputs given