AGENDA Call to Order Approval of 2/24/16 Minutes Reports from Senators/Committees/Workgroups New Business –CDes Leads: Leadership Development Program –Internal search for Head of Landscape Architecture –Update on 7.12 Ad Hoc Committee work –Faculty Assembly Chair and Vice-chair election –Proposed Curriculum Committee policy (to be voted on) Policy on Faculty Oversight of Courses
REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES (ATTACHED TO AGENDA) Senators: Hye-Young Kim, John Comazzi –Alternates: Abimbola Asojo & Marilyn Bruin Diversity: Teddy Russell Faculty Leadership: Julia Robinson Faculty Leave: David Pitt Faculty Promotion & Tenure: Bill Conway Curriculum: Sauman Chu Adjunct Faculty Leadership: Adam Jarvi
REPORTS FROM WORKGROUPS (ATTACHED TO AGENDA) Academic Technology: Laura Musacchio Graduate Working Group: Marilyn DeLong Honors & Awards: James Boyd-Brent
OLD BUSINESS Revisions to Constitution and Bylaws passed (required 2/3 vote of the Faculty Assembly) Constitution and Bylaws posted at:
NEW BUSINESS CDes Leads: Leadership Development Program –Brad Agee –Abi Asojo –James Boyd-Brent –Sue Chu –John Comazzi –Pat Hemmis –Hyunjoo Im –Hye-Young Kim –Barry Kudrowitz –Gayla Lindt –Laura Musacchio –Daniela Sandler –Matt Tucker –Stephanie Zollinger
NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) Internal search for Head of Landscape Architecture Faculty Assembly Chair and Vice Chair elections –John Comazzi, Faculty Assembly Chair –Vince DeBritto, Faculty Assembly Vice-chair
NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) Update on 7.12 Ad Hoc Committee work –Committee members: Cynthia Jara, John Koepke, Steven McCarthy –Report of findings submitted to the interim dean on April 4 –Ad hoc committee meeting with Faculty Leadership Committee on Friday, May 20
NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) Proposed Curriculum Committee Policy on Faculty Oversight of Courses –The College of Design Curriculum Committee proposes a college-wide policy that all courses (existing and new) must be both sponsored and proposed by governing faculty as defined by Article IV, Section 1 of the Constitution. The name of the faculty sponsor will be listed in ECAS. Courses that are currently in place and will be initiated in the future should have full time faculty supervision. The expectation is that the sponsor will either be able and willing to teach the course or identify another adjunct/full-time faculty member who could also teach the course.