CLASSIFICATION AND CHARACTERISTICS Domain: Eukarya (has eukaryotic cells) Kingdom: Plantae (cell wall with cellulose)
CLASSIFICATION AND CHARACTERISTICS Domain: Eukarya *has eukaryotic cells Kingdom: Plantae * cell wall w/ cellulose *chloroplast – photosynthetic
NEEDS OF PLANTS Sunlight/Gas Exchange, Water, Minerals Autotrophic: Make own food (carbohydrates
PLANT TYPES Green Algae (alga- seaweed in Latin) Single cells to Multicellularity Photosynthetic, chloroplast, Organization small, single cells, multicellular, Reproduction: Asexual and sexual with gametes and spores Mostly aquatic-fresh and salt. Absorb nutrients and moisture from environment
Bryophytes Organization: complex/Specialized tissue/no true roots – rhizoids Develop cuticle (covering) – resist drying – land plants! Movement: stationary Male gametes swim to egg Form an embryo Reproduction: spores Requires water * moist conditions
SEEDLESS VASCULAR PLANTS (SVP) Org: complex/specialized True roots, stems, and leaves Taller -vascular tissue (new trait) Water Transport: through vascular tissue Reproduction: Spores – sperm swim to egg – requires water /humid environments
EXAMPLES OF SVP Ferns Club Mosses Horsetails
VASCULAR TISSUE Series of tubes- Carry water, nutrients And minerals. Transpiration- movement of water. Xylem (water and minerals Phloem (sugars toward leaves)
GYMNOSPERM “naked” seeds (embryo) – Advent Allows plants to colonize varied environments True Roots, stems, leaves, woody Tissue (new trait) Movement- adult stationary – pollen carried from male gametes to female eggs.
REPRODUCTION SEXUAL POLLINATION -WIND Reproduction- sexual – pollen (w/sperm) Forms an Embryo (new trait)
ANGIOSPERMS Flowers – attract pollinators (insects, bees, bats, birds) After pollinations and fertilization the ovary develops into a fruit- dispersal!