1 st Year Review [BURKINA FASO] 1 [Yacouba SAVADOGO] [Lessons Learned] [26/12/2015]
2 Planned Actual Campaign Summary AchievementsRemaining and Upcoming Activities Number of Trainers Trained : 8 Master Trainers and 39 national trainers Number of Health workers trained : approx 66 CHWs trained and 671 FS workers Number of volunteers trained : Approx 6497 Maximum number of children treated : General Review of lessons learned TBD 1.Meeting Dakar - March Official Country Launch – February 3.Micro-planning- March 4.Training of Trainers - June 5.Health Workers training - July 6.Rellay / distributors training - July SMC Cycles - August- November 11. Lessons Learned - January Legend of key stepsGreyInitial PlanningGreenCompleted on timeYellowAcceptable delayRedExcessive delay Mar 2015April 2015May 2015June 2015Juiy 2015Aug 2015Sept 2015Oct 2015Nov 2015Dec 2015Jan
Distribution Methods and Approaches Door to door / Fixed points / mobile sites / mixed approaches Door to door Fixed sites Number of teams / sites 1 or 2 teams per site Composition of distribution teams (by type of approach) 2 people per team Absence / presence of Health workers (nurses or others) Fixed site teams are essentially composed of health workers
4 Training and Tools (I) Training People Trained [listed by category] Number of Master Trainers : 8 Number of National Trainers: 39 Number of Health Center Managers + other Health Workers : 671 Number of DMT members trained : Approx 66 Number of community distributors trained : Approx 6497 Tools distributed (communications material, training manuals, posters, etc.) [listed by category] Communications Material - Posters Training Manuals - Trainer’s Manual - Supervisor’s Manual - CD manual - Job-aid for CD
5 Tools and Training (II) Training Distributed tools (communication materials, training manuals, posters, etc.) [listed by category] Supervision Tools - Supervision grid : central, RHD, HD and SF level - Monitoring framework Reporting Tools - Tally Sheet - Register - Record Cards - Daily Monitoring and Summary Sheet - Input Mask Stock management tools - Delivery and Receipt Slips - Inventory Movement Books
6 Training and Tools (III) Were the manuals and tools effectively utilised The various tools were effectively utilised at different levels Were they useful (if only certain ones, then which) All tools have been useful, but the content and presentation of the register should be reviewed to facilitate its filling and utilisation. Changes considered for 2016 (reductions / modifications) Revision and adaptation of the tools for the 2016 campaign in light of lessons learned.
Administrative coverage summary (I)
Administrative coverage summary (II)
Stock Summary
Pharmacovigilance Summary
Pharmacovigilance (II) (max one page) Did all health facilities have a copy of PV guidelines? Each HSPC had the PV guidelines incorporated into training modules, along with copies of pharmacovigilance sheets; However filling in the pharmacovigilance sheets, along with their transmission was not always systematic; There were also some shortcomings in the reporting of cases of vomiting because many regurgitation cases were reported as cases of vomiting. Have there been cases of severe adverse reactions? No cases of serious side effects were reported, however there's been a case of facial puffiness, which was identified during the first cycle and kept under observation and not classified as a severe adverse reaction. The outcome of the case was favorable.
IEC/BCC Approaches Key approaches used (media, tools, targeted audiences) Opinion Leaders (political, traditional and religious) The mobiliser ‘relays’ / town criers; The media; The CDs; The health workers. The most effective approaches identified The relay mobilisers / town criers; The DCs. Changes considered for 2016 Drafting harmonised key messages for all town criers to use
3 Key Successes Cascade training of SMC implementing actors at all levels (central, RHD, HD, SF, CDs, Mobilisers) before the start of the campaign along with training some supervisors during the campaign; The availability of drugs in the districts before the start of each cycle; Good administrative coverage of the target through adhesion and mobilisation of beneficiaries and stakeholders at all levels
3 Key Problems Estimation and identification of the target. Not taking into account additional targets during the campaign (hence running out of some inputs such as sugar, SMC cards...); The administration of the drug. The drug formulation (non- dispersible) makes its application difficult (necessity to adjust the dosage depending upon the age and size of the child, risk of loss of drugs administered in excess…. The dosage adherence (non-compliance with times for taking the second and third doses at home or completely forgetting).
Support by Other Partners (List the partners /résults on 1 page) Zone covered by the World Bank Zone covered by UNICEF In these 2 zones it is the State who purchased the medicines
Role of NMCP / Min. of Health Policies: Is SMC part of national policies / strategies of health programmes and health development plans? SMC has been adopted by Burkina Faso as an effective intervention for reducing malaria morbidity. Resource Mobilisation: Is the Government increasing funding for SMC? The Government ensured the purchase of SMC drugs in 6 health districts in 2015; It has already secured a loan from the World Bank to cover 20 health districts in Are funds for SMC coming form the State budget? Yes, funds will be mobilised by the State to cover the remaining health districts in MERCI DE VOTRE AIMABLE ATTENTION THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION