Death of Victim Struck by Crane Handling Jig Grave Accident Case in Manufacturing Sector 교육미디어 -1022
The copyright of this material is owned by the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) and unauthorized and arbitrary use hereof is strictly prohibited. However, if an individual wishes to use it for a non-commercial objective, he/she may use do so by revealing its source. If a corporation wishes to use it, permission must first be obtained from KOSHA. Any unauthorized use hereof constitutes a breach of copyright law and such action is subject to legal sanctions. Detail II Cause III Prevention IV Overview I I Death of Victim Struck by Crane Handling Jig
Overview of Accident When: Jan. 22 (Tue.), 2008, 16:35 Where: Defective pipe cutting workshop of Plant #2, XX Steel Manufacturing Company located in Nam- gu, Pohang City What: The victim moved a pile of pipes with a 10-ton overhead crane onto a skid and lowered the crane hook with a remote control to unroll the rope. How: The handling jig struck the skid pole. Why: The handling jig escaped the crane hook and fell 1.4m, striking and killing the victim. Ⅰ Ⅰ
Death of Victim Struck by Crane Handling Jig Load on skid Details of Accident Section Shape Steel Process Ⅱ Ⅱ Transport (roller) Cutting Move to the piling table Carry defective pipes Collision Object: Handling jig Collision Object: Handling jig
Death of Victim Struck by Crane Handling Jig Details of Accident On Jan. 22 (Tue.), 2008, the victim came to the first shift (07~15) and finished thermal treatment calibration with a co-worker and was asked by the expert team head to work the second shift (15~23) at the defective pipe cutting workshop. At 16:35, the victim placed 4 piles of defective pipes (diameter 38mm x 9 pipes x length 12.92m, app. 303kg) with a 10-ton overhead crane onto a skid. The victim was lowering the crane hook with a remote control to remove the rope. (The victim’s co-worker went back to the shear to help the victim move the defective pipes onto the skid and hang the rope as well as operate the machine.) Ⅱ Ⅱ
Death of Victim Struck by Crane Handling Jig Details of Accident The handling jig struck the skid pile, was displaced from the crane hook and fell, striking the victim on the chest. As a result, the victim was knocked down with the handling jig in his arms. During the accident, the protective function of the hook opener of the overhead crane did not work since it was secured with cotton adhesive tape. The handling jig was easily removed from the crane hook when it was lowered and allowed to touch the floor or when placed lightly on another piece of equipment. Ⅱ Ⅱ
Death of Victim Struck by Crane Handling Jig Details of Accident Ⅱ Ⅱ Accident site Skid pole Shear Transport roller Defective pipes to be transported
Death of Victim Struck by Crane Handling Jig Details of Accident Ⅱ Ⅱ Accident situation (handling jig height: 1.4m)
Death of Victim Struck by Crane Handling Jig Details of Accident Ⅱ Ⅱ Trace of the handling jig that hit the ground
Death of Victim Struck by Crane Handling Jig Details of Accident Ⅱ Ⅱ Hook opener secured (no protective function)
Death of Victim Struck by Crane Handling Jig Cause of Accident Failure to check before operation The owner of a business should check the location of workers, training, work method, protective devices and other necessary points prior to operating a machine when doing so is likely to be risky. Owners should take necessary measures to prevent such risks. However, the protective function of the hook opener was not confirmed. Removal of protective function A crane should be equipped with a device that prevents the cable from being removed from the hook and a hook opener should be used when a crane is used to carry loads. However, the hook opener was wrapped with cotton adhesive tape, negating the protective function. Ⅲ Ⅲ
Death of Victim Struck by Crane Handling Jig Prevention of Accident Check before operation The availability and functioning of protective devices should be checked before operation is started. Crane protection Overload protection: prevents overloading Overwinding protection: prevents the hook from ascending higher than the limit Emergency stop: stops the equipment during an emergency Hook opener: prevents cable from escaping the hook Impact protection: prevents collision when more than 2 cranes are installed on the same rail Replacement of hook opener A hook opener should be installed on spring type hooks when there is risk of operator injury while removing the handling jig. Ⅳ Ⅳ
Death of Victim Struck by Crane Handling Jig Prevention of Accident Prohibit removing the protective function A crane should be equipped with a device that prevents the cable from escaping the hook and when such a crane is used to carry loads, a hook opener should be used. Ⅳ Ⅳ Hook opener
Death of Victim Struck by Crane Handling Jig