February 26, 2013 City of Sausalito Status Update on EPA Order Compliance (and new 2012 NPDES Permit)
Introduction EPA Order requires that : – “Beginning immediately … consistently and substantially reduce the frequency and volume of sewage spills.” – “(E)liminate conditions in (our) collection system that cause or contribute to wastewater spills, bypasses, or effluent limit violations.” – “SMCSD shall…achieve consistent compliance with its 2007 [NPDES] permit”. (CWA-309(a) )
– Fully-staffed – One position probationary – Between October 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012 cleaned 12.3 miles of pipe total … almost half of the system plus repeat cleaning for pipes on the 3-month and 6-month hot spot list. – Because of the importance of our trees and the environment, the City does not use chemical root control – we mechanically cut invasive roots. Staffing and Productivity
Most Recent Quarterly Sewage Spill Report Submitted January 15, 2013 Six SSOs last quarter, two public, four private – Structural failures
Most Recent Quarterly Sewage Spill Report Submitted January 15, 2013 Both public SSOs were noted by City staff and abated quickly and efficiently. The number of structural defects noted as a result of increased inspection capabilities warrants re-evaluation of priority projects and the pay- as-you-go and SRF funding balance. Complex private common lateral issues are frequently discovered as a result of a private SSO or by property transfer and substantial remodel inspections. These require a significant level of Staff effort.
Project 1a (CK10-02) – Gate 5 Road Pipeline Replacement Project. This project was described in the 2009 CIP as a pipeline removal and replacement project. To provide a reliable system that will tolerate ongoing subsidence, the project has was amended to convert the existing Gate 5 Road gravity sewer into a low pressure force main. A vacuum sewer alternative is also being evaluated. The project is needed to remove sags, joint separations, and other structural defects in the existing pipe. The project remains in final design stage, is projected to bid in 2013 and complete construction in the following year given SRF funding. Project 1b (CK10-01) – Spinnaker Grease Interceptor, Pipeline, and Anchor Pump Station Rehabilitation project. In the 2009 CIP, this project included a new grease interceptor and removal and replacement of the existing gravity pipeline between Spinnaker Restaurant and Anchor Street Pump Station. In lieu of a new gravity pipeline, the current project configuration converts the existing gravity sewer to a low pressure force main, and rehabilitates Anchor Street Pump Station. Construction expected to be complete by May Approval of Award expected imminently from SRF Short-Term Collection System and Capacity Improvement Projects – SRF Funding Planned
Project 1c (CK11-01) Project completed as spot repairs. Project 2b (CKyy-0C) – Beach Main, Including Valley to Main Rehabilitation Project - Design. This project addresses pipelines that are partially or fully submerged in the San Francisco Bay, and present a reliability concern to the City. Preliminary design and environmental planning were initiated in Significant permitting and project implementation challenges have become apparent during this effort, delaying final design and construction. The City and the Sausalito-Marin City Sanitary District are jointly working in this project. Project 3b (CK10-03) Construction was satisfactorily completed in Short-Term Collection System and Capacity Improvement Projects (cont’d)
Project 3e (partial) (CKyy-0A) –Bee Street Sewer Replacement. This project replaces pipelines with multiple structural defects on Bee Street, near City Hall. Project CKyy-0B – Whiskey Springs Generator Improvements is currently in design. Design will be coordinated with SMCSD with regard to wet weather flows and possible replacement of the SMCSD Scotty’s Pump Station. Design is expected to continue in 2013 for anticipated construction in 2014 given SRF funding. Short-Term Collection System and Capacity Improvement Projects (cont’d)
Other Priority Capital Projects Not SRF Funded Nevada Street Pipeline Replacement. This 6-inch diameter pipeline will be removed and replaced between Tomales Street and Bridgeway Boulevard (Manhole Nos to ) with a larger pipe. Coloma Street Pipeline Replacement. This 6-inch, transitioning to 8-inch pipe will be replaced with a larger diameter pipe. The project area also includes the Whiskey Springs Pump Station Capacity Improvement project. This project provides firm capacity sufficient to convey wet weather flows from the design flow event.
Other Priority Capital Projects Not SRF Funded Caledonia at Turney Street Pipeline Replacement. This 12-inch diameter pipeline will be removed and replaced between Turney and Locust Streets. (Manhole Nos to ). This pipeline is currently 12-inches in diameter. In order to convey design wet weather flows, the pipe segments require upsizing by one pipe diameter. Urgent sewer replacements have been identified as necessary under portions of 3 rd /4 th and Main Streets, as well as Miller Avenue – an estimated $600,000 in construction costs. Reconstruction of Richardson Street will result in replacement of the sewer main and all lower laterals.
Issues/Opportunities 1.SRF funding 2.Lateral Grant Program 3.Sewer Ordinance Revision 4.Policy regarding facilities in public ROW 5.Rate Study to include 2-4 above as well as storm drain asset replacement funding alternatives 6.Recent studies by neighboring agencies warrant revisiting of flow-based rate issues 7.The pay-as-you-go and SRF funding balance must also be revisited 8.Program management expertise
Neighboring Agencies News In December 2012, TCSD and SMCSD successfully concluded negotiation of an Agreement for SMCSD’s provision of wastewater treatment services to TCSD through December 12, (City of Sausalito and SMCSD will initiate discussion on revisions to existing out-dated service agreement with Staff and Sewer Ad Hoc Committee involvement beginning in March, 2013). TCSD and SMCSD have both recently evaluated sewer service charges and considered (TCSD) or will consider (SMCSD) changes.
Neighboring Agencies News (cont’d) TCSD left its sewer rates unchanged following the completion of its rate study with TCSD Board action of August 8, SMCSD heard from its rate consultant most recently at a special meeting held January 30, The SMCSD Board is scheduled to hear the matter again at a special meeting in May, 2013