Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility International Workshop on Probing strangeness in hard scattering, Frascati, October 18-20, 2010 CLAS12 baseline.


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Presentation transcript:

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility International Workshop on Probing strangeness in hard scattering, Frascati, October 18-20, 2010 CLAS12 baseline equipment and status of the project Latifa Elouadrhiri Hall B 12GeV Upgrade Project Manager International Workshop Probing Strangeness in Hard Processes INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascat i October 18-21, 2010

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility International Workshop on Probing strangeness in hard scattering, Frascati, October 18-20, 2010 Outline Introduction Project Status Construction Highlights Summary

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility International Workshop on Probing strangeness in hard scattering, Frascati, October 18-20, 2010 JEFFERSON LAB TODAY A CB CEBAF’s delivery of beam with unique properties to three experimental halls simultaneously. Each hall offers complementary capabilities. Superconducting electron accelerator provides 100% duty factor beams of unprecedented quality, with high polarization at energies up to 6 GeV. >1200 active member international user community engaged in exploring quark-gluon structure of matter. Newport News, VA

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility International Workshop on Probing strangeness in hard scattering, Frascati, October 18-20, 2010 A B C Jefferson Lab Today Two high-resolution 4 GeV spectrometers Large acceptance spectrometer electron/photon beams 7 GeV spectrometer, 1.8 GeV spectrometer, large installation experiments Hall A Hall B Hall C

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility International Workshop on Probing strangeness in hard scattering, Frascati, October 18-20, GeV CEBAF 11CHL-2 12 Upgrade magnets and power supplies Two 0.6 GeV linacs 1.1 Enhanced capabilities in existing Halls new Hall Maintain capability to deliver lower pass beam energies: 2.2, 4.4, 6.6…. Upgrade is designed to build on existing facility: vast majority of accelerator and experimental equipment have continued use.

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility International Workshop on Probing strangeness in hard scattering, Frascati, October 18-20, 2010 Detector Performance Requirements Hall DHall BHall CHall A excellent hermeticity luminosity energy reachinstallation space polarized photonshermeticityprecision E  ~8.5-9 GeV11 GeV beamline 10 8 photons/starget flexibility good momentum/angle resolutionexcellent momentum resolution high multiplicity reconstructionluminosity up to particle ID

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility International Workshop on Probing strangeness in hard scattering, Frascati, October 18-20, 2010 Precisiondetermination of valence quark properties. New Capabilities In Halls A, B, & C, & New Hall D High Resolution Spectrometer (HRS) Pair, and large installation experiments A C Super High Momentum Spectrometer (SHMS) D 9 GeV tagged polarized photons and a 4  hermetic detector B CLAS upgraded to higher (10 35 ) luminosity and coverage GlueX Exploring origin of confinement by studying exotic mesons. Nucleon structure via generalized parton distributions. SRC, FFs, Hypernuclear, Standard Model studies (PV, Moller)

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility International Workshop on Probing strangeness in hard scattering, Frascati, October 18-20, GeV CONSTRUCTION Construction TPC Total Project Cost (TPC) = $310M Total Equipment Cost (TEC) =$287.5M

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility International Workshop on Probing strangeness in hard scattering, Frascati, October 18-20, 2010 Experimental Equipment Construction Cost Experimental Equipment/Physics Cost Experimental Systems by Sub-system Experimental Systems

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility International Workshop on Probing strangeness in hard scattering, Frascati, October 18-20, 2010 DOE CRITICAL DECISION SCHEDULE CD-0 Mission NeedMAR-2004 (A) CD-1 Preliminary Baseline RangeFEB-2006 (A) CD-2 Performance BaselineNOV-2007 (A) CD-3 Start of ConstructionSEP-2008 (A) CD-4A Accelerator Project Completion and Start of Operations DEC-2014 CD-4B Experimental Equipment Project Completion and Start of Operations JUN-2015 ~2 years into 5.5 year construction period CD-4 split to ease transition into operations phase

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility International Workshop on Probing strangeness in hard scattering, Frascati, October 18-20, GeV Upgrade Project Schedule Two short parasitic installation periods in FY10 6-month installation May-Oct month installation May 2012-May 2013 Hall D commissioning start April 2014 Hall A commissioning start October 2013 Halls B & C commissioning start October 2014 Project Completion June 2015

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility International Workshop on Probing strangeness in hard scattering, Frascati, October 18-20, 2010 Hall B currently houses the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) L=10 34 cm -2 s -1 CLAS12 CLAS will be replaced by CLAS12 CLAS12 CLAS12 is designed to operate with an upgraded luminosity of L=10 35 cm -2 s -1 and smaller forward angles CLAS12 CLAS12 with large acceptance and high luminosity provides a new physics reach. Hall B 12GeV Upgrade Overview Present Day CLAS CLAS12

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility International Workshop on Probing strangeness in hard scattering, Frascati, October 18-20, 2010 CLAS12 - Science program - forefront of hadron physics 3 dimensional structure of the nucleon- a new frontier in hadronic physics Nucleon Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) and Transverse Momentum Dependences (TMDs) – exclusive and semi-inclusive processes with high precision. Precision measurements of structure functions Elastic & Transition form factors at high momentum transfer Hadronization and Color Transparency Hadron Spectroscopy – heavy baryons, hybrid mesons Already approved experiments by the JLab program advisory committee, correspond to about 5 years of scheduled beam operation. => Volker’s talk CLAS12 will support the highest nuclear physics priorities outlined in the NSAC 2007 Long Range Pla

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility International Workshop on Probing strangeness in hard scattering, Frascati, October 18-20, 2010 Capabilities to measure exclusive processes at 12 GeV Operating luminosity up to cm -2 sec -1 - small cross sections High momentum and small polar angles Particle ID to high momentum for e - /π -, π/K/p, γ/π o separation Momentum & angle resolution for use of missing mass techniques Coverage of large ranges in polar and azimuth angles Identify detached vertices for weakly decaying strange baryons Complement the forward detection system with central detector – Tracking and magnetic analysis at large angles with solenoid magnet – Particle identification capabilities with central Time-of-Flight system – Operation of a dynamically polarized target Upgrade the forward PID system – Additional high-threshold Cherenkov detector for π, K, p rejection – Improve timing resolution of the Time-of-Flight detectors – Improve calorimeter granularity for π o /γ separation – Add tracking capabilities for improved vertex resolution Reduce DC occupancies to reach higher luminosities – Reduced solid angle seen by each cell, reduce time window – Improved magnetic shielding for Møller background.. Solution: CLAS12 - Capabilities

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility International Workshop on Probing strangeness in hard scattering, Frascati, October 18-20, 2010 ForwardCentral Detector Angular range Tracks 5 0 – – Photons 3 0 – 40 0 n.a. Resolution  p/p (%) < 5 GeV/c < 1.5 GeV/c  (mr) < 1 <  (mr) < 3 < 5 Photon detection Energy (MeV)>150n.a.  (mr)< 1 GeVn.a. Neutron detection efficiency< 0.7 (EC+PCAL ) n.a. Particle ID e/  Full rangen.a.  p Full range< 1.25 GeV/c  /K Full range< 0.65 GeV/c K/p  4 GeV/c< 1.0 GeV/c    Full rangen.a.  Full rangen.a. CLAS12 – Design Parameters Forward Detector Central Detector

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility International Workshop on Probing strangeness in hard scattering, Frascati, October 18-20, 2010 CLAS12 Detector Grouping HTCC Supported on Cart on Space Frame Subway Central Detectors: CTOF, SVT Supported from the SOLENOID Forward Detectors: LTCC, FTOF, PCAL, EC, all supported by Forward Carriage Tracking Assembly: Drift Chambers Supported by the TORUS also Moeller Electron Shield and Inner Calorimeter Beamline: Raster Magnets, Beam Position, Targets Systems, Moeller System, etc. Solenoid Torus

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility International Workshop on Probing strangeness in hard scattering, Frascati, October 18-20, 2010 CLAS12 – Central Detector  SVT - Charged particle tracking in 5T field  Vertex reconstruction  ΔT < 60psec in CTOF for particle id  Moller electron shield  Polarized target operation ΔB/B < in 2.5x4 cm cylinder around center

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility International Workshop on Probing strangeness in hard scattering, Frascati, October 18-20, 2010 CLAS12 - CLAS12 - Institutions France: - Grenoble University, IN2P3, Grenoble - Orsay University, IN2P3, Paris - CEA Saclay, IRFU, Paris Armenia: - Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan, Armenia United Kingdom: - Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, Scotland - Glasgow University, Glasgow, Scotland Russian Federation: - MSU, Skobeltsin Institute for Nuclear Physics, Moscow - MSU, Institute for High Energy Physics, SiLab, Moscow - Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow Italy: - INFN - Frascati, Rome - INFN - Genoa, Genoa - INFN - University Bari, Bari - INFN - University Catania, Catania - INFN - University Ferrara, Ferrara - INFN - ISS Rome 1, Rome - INFN - University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome Republic of Korea: - Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea United States of America: - Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, MI - California State University, Dominguez Hills, CA - Catholic University of America, Washington, DC - College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA - Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA - Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT - Florida International University, Miami, FL - Hampton University, Hampton, VA - Idaho State University, Pocatella, ID - James Madison University, Harrisionburg, VA - Norfolk State University, Norfolk, VA - North Carolina A&T, State University, Greensboro, NC - Ohio University, Athens, OH - Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA - Renselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY - Temple University, Philadelphia, PA - Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA - University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT - University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH - University, of Richmond, Richmond, VA - University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC - University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA Strong International Collaboration

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility International Workshop on Probing strangeness in hard scattering, Frascati, October 18-20, 2010 CLAS12 ProjectSubsystemManufacturingManagerJLab Drift chambersRegion IIdaho State U.ForestMestayer Region IIOld Dominion U.Weinstein Region IIIJefferson Lab.Miller SVTSensorsMSU - SiLabMerkinYegneswaran ReadoutJefferson LabYegneswaran Laser testingU. New HampshirePhillips FTOFScintillator, PMTs, testingU. South CarolinaGotheCarman Paddle unit assemblyU. South CarolinaGothe Final assemblyJefferson LabKashy MagnetsTorusWang NMR, Livermore Quettier SolenoidWang NMR, Livermore HTCCMirror constructionJefferson LabSharabian PMTs testingJefferson LabKubarovsky Calibration systemNCLTDanagoulian PCALScintillators-processingWilliam & MaryGriffioenStepanyan PMTs and dividersJMUGiovanetti PMTs and cablesOhio U./NSU Hicks,Salgado CTOFPMTs testingKyungpook U. KimBaturin Light guidesJefferson LabBaturin Online ComputingDAQ/TriggerJefferson LabBoiarinov Electronics /TriggerJefferson LabCuevas

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility International Workshop on Probing strangeness in hard scattering, Frascati, October 18-20, 2010 Hall B Magnets Progress Torus contract awarded September 4, 2009 Solenoid contract awarded November 20, 2009 Both are performance-based contracts to prepare manufacturing drawings, build, install and commission, using JLab-supplied reference designs Torus is to be assembled and tested in Hall B Three reviews to-date held for each magnet Ongoing activities From JLab side: QA of main design parameters for both magnets From Wang NMR side: Development of the two winding machines Development of the soldering machine Test windings Preparation of final/manufacturing design documents

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility International Workshop on Probing strangeness in hard scattering, Frascati, October 18-20, 2010 Hall B Detector Progress Five detectors to be underway in FY10 –Drift Chamber has one factory “in production” and is setting up the two off-site ones, planned to start early/mid FY11 –PreShower Calorimeter and High Threshold Cerenkov Counter are in production on parts and sub-assemblies. –PCAL construction into sectors starts FY11; HTCC mounts mirror assemblies into main box in late FY12 –Forward TOF is in procurement phase for PMTs, bases and scintillator; assembly is planned FY11-FY13 –Silicon Vertex Tracker has bids back on first batch of sensors, preamp chips being test- probed prior to ‘dicing’ from production wafer, and flex interconnect cable designed. Stave construction planned to start middle of FY2011. –The first ramp-up is underway. There is a second stage of ramp-up in FY12, notably for the drift chambers. Factories are planned to accommodate added workers/throughput. Drift Chamber stringing HTCC Region 3 mirror molds PCAL scintillator U-layer

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 22 IPR September 28-30, 2010 Construction Highlights

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 23 IPR September 28-30, 2010 Summary CLAS12 designed for fundamental science program SC magnets – Solenoid and Torus in construction phase Construction has begun on five detectors –Drift-Chambers (DC) –Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) –Forward Time-of-Flight (FTOF) –Pre-Shower Calorimeter (PCAL) –High Threshold Cerenkov Counter (HTCC) Collaborating institutions stepped up for significant contributions toward detector construction CLAS12 is on schedule for installation start in 10/2012