Réalisé avec le soutien de MARTE A brief overview of the MARTE profile (Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems) Based on an in-depth tutorial at ECRTS2007 (from CEA, Thales, INRIA) CEA LIST contact :
Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC UML Profiling Basics Profile: Lightweight Extension / Specialization of the UML metamodel For particular application domains Stereotypes Extension / Specialization of existing metaclasses Contains a set of “tagged values” (i.e. domain specific properties) Constraints On the usage of stereotypes On the usage of constructs provided by the source metamodel Notation options (i.e. icons, figures) «apply» Uml2::Kernel Operation « stereotype » cppVirtual « profile » C++Profile MyModel MyClass myOpA() myOpB() « cppVirtual » myOpC()
Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC UML Profiles for RTES
Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC MARTE Overview Foundations for RT/E systems modeling and analysis: CoreElements NFPs Time Generic resource modeling Generic component modeling Allocation Specialization of foundations for annotating model for analysis purpose: Generic quantitative analysis Schedulability analysis Performance analysis Specialization of MARTE foundations for modeling purpose (specification, design, …): RTE model of computation and communication Software resource modeling Hardware resource modeling Extracted from S.Gerard (ECRTS07)
Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC Outline UML MARTE
Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC Non-Functional Properties Non-Functional Properties: Any property used to judge if a system is suited to its intended purpose (beyond its functional correctness) RTES NFPs: Bandwidth, memory usage, power consomption, execution time, etc. NFPs need to be qualified, parametric and derivable: Qualifier : source, precision,… variables: placeholders for unknown values expressions: math and time expressions Value Specification Language (VSL): A way to express NFP Values based on ISO’s General-Purpose Data types Corrects UML lacks: No syntax for structural values No syntax for time and algebraic expression Data type system not sufficient for Non-functional modeling
Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC Basic Textual Expressions in VSL Value Spec.Examples Real Number 1.2E-3 //scientific notation DateTime #12/01/06 12:00:00# //calendar date time Collection {1, 2, 88, 5, 2} //sequence, bag, ordered set.. {{1,2,3}, {3,2}} //collection of collections Tuple and choice (value=2.0, unit= ms) //duration tuple value periodic(period=2.0, jitter=3.3) //arrival pattern Interval [1..251[ //upper closed interval between integers [$A1..$A2] //interval between variables Variable declaration & Call io$var1 //input/output variable declaration var1 //variable call expression. Arithmetic Operation Call +(5.0,var1) //”add” operation on Real datatypes 5.0+var1 //infix operator notation Conditional Expression ((var1<6.0)?(10^6):1) //if true return 10 exp 6,else 1 Extended Primitive Values Extended Composite Values Extended Expressions
Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC Outline UML MARTE
Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC Set of time-related concepts (clocks, instants, durations, time interval, timed behaviors, etc.) Three basic time models Chronometric time model Mainly concerns with time cardinality E.g., delay, duration and clock time Logical time model Mainly concerns events ordering. E.g., ev1 is before ev2 Synchronous time model Specialization of the logical time model Introduce notion of simultaneity E.g., ev1 and ev2 occurs at the same instant Scope of the Time Model of MARTE
Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC Example of TimedDomain with a ClockConstraint Instants chronograms of clocks cc1 and cc2
Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC Logical Time
Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC Outline – Component, Resources and allocation UML MARTE Basic construction to describe component-based models. Provides a common denominator among various existing component models (lightweight-CCM, SysML, Autosar, etc..) basic concepts for modeling a general (high-level) platform for processing RTE applications Basic ideas: Allocate an application element to a processing platform element Refine a general element into one or several more specific elements
Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC Outline – Model of Computation and Communication UML MARTE
Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC RTE Model of Computation & Communication High-level modeling concepts where RT/E concerns are embedded inside modeling artifacts (E.g., UML active/passive objects) Implicit semantics Two families of concerns Qualitative aspects E.g. concurrency and behavior Quantitative aspects as real-time feature E.g. deadline or period Package dependencies
Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC Outline UML MARTE
Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC What is the Software Resource Modeling Profile (SRM) ? A UML profile for modeling APIs of RT/E sw execution supports Real Time Operating Systems (RTOS) Dedicated Language Libraries (e.g. ADA) BUT it is NOT a new API standard dedicated to the RT/E domain! SRM = a unified mean to describe such existing or proprietary APIs In which steps shall I use SRM ?
Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC Snapshot of the UML extensions provided by SRM SRM::SW_Brokering SRM::SW_Interaction SRM::SW_Concurrency
Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC Outline UML MARTE
Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC HRM structure -- Logical modeling Provides a functional description Based on a functional classification of hardware resources:
Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC HRM structure -- Physical modeling Provides a physical properties description Based on both following packages HwLayout Forms: Chip, Card, Channel… Dimensions, area and arrangement mechanism within rectilinear grids Environmental conditions: e.g. temperature, vibration, humidity… HwPower Power consumption and heat dissipation
Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC Examples of Possible Hw Emulators Simics (Virtutech, ) Support for most HW components Functional and Performance simulation Enable to run heavy software applications (e.g., linux) Free for academics Skyeye ( Support for ARM-like processors, most of memories and peripherals Functional simulation Enable to run only light sw applications (E.g., µLinux and ARMLinux) GPL SimpleScalar ( Academic tool easy to extend Performance simulation Run C code
Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC Outline – MARTE Analysis UML MARTE Basic ideas: Provides modeling artifacts to annotate models Allows connection to tools for performance and schedulabitlity analysis
Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC Conclusion: MARTE Frontiers MARTE define the language constructs only! Common patterns, base building blocks, standard NFP annotations Generic constraints that do not force specific execution models, analysis techniques or implementation technologies Provides model libraries with advanced types It does not cover methodological aspects: Interface-Based Design, Design Space Exploration Means to manage refinement of NFP measurement models Concrete processes to storage, bind, and display NFP context models Mapping to transform MoCCs into analysis models Frontiers & Challenges MARTE is to the RTES domain as UML to the System & Software domain: a family of large and open specification formalisms!
Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC Platform integration Integrated in OpenEmbeDD platform Accessible from Topcased UML tool Interface synchronous tools with MARTE profile (SynDEx, Polychrony, …)