Research and Development Dr Julie Hankin Medical Director
2 Staff views
3 Staff Survey 302 responses 40% Local Services 29.5% Forensic 24.7% Health Partnerships 5.7% were from Corporate Services
4 43.58% (n=129) of respondents had previously had involvement in a piece of research as part of their role in Nottinghamshire Healthcare. 32.65% (n=96) of respondents had participated in a piece of research or service evaluation that has impacted on clinical services. 7.85% (n=23) respondents have been asked to join (or are already part of) a Guidance Development Group (e.g. NICE, NIHR). 35.74% (n=104) respondents have completed research specific training (Good Clinical Practice).
6 What should the Trust Strategy focus on? 42% of responses focused on suggestions for specific research priorities (IDD; Dementia; Staff Burnout were all popular suggestions) 30% of responses focused on the Research Culture within the Trust. ○a more inclusive strategy which involves physical healthcare, alongside mental health ○ the divide between academics and clinical staff ○demystifying the research process ○a general feeling that more staff should be offered the opportunity to be involved in research.
7 26.5% of responses stated a need to ensure the strategy focuses on getting research into practice. It was felt that by encouraging more ground staff to be involved in the research processes, the research priorities would be more relevant to both service users and staff. As such the application of findings into practice would be more relevant.
8 24% of the responses related to a general increase in promoting and supporting staff involvement in research. A lack of knowledge of the processes involved in research, alongside a lack of clinical time was noted as key issues for staff wishing to conduct research. 3% of responses focused on the lack of funding available for research, and the lack of support when completing grant applications.
9 Activity
10 Approved Project Highlights A total of 59 projects were approved during 2014/ of which were NIHR Portfolio adopted studies and 38 were non-portfolio. Local Services – 34 Forensic – 14 Health Partnerships - 9 Trust - 2
12 Recruitment Highlights The number of patients receiving NHS services provided or sub-contracted by Nottinghamshire Healthcare to date in 2014/15 that were recruited to participate in research approved by a National Research Ethics Committee was This is an increase of 49.2% on the previous financial year. 2013/ /15 Total number of recruits by the Trust
15 Staff Involvement Highlights 49 Trust staff participated in a research project within the Trust as either a Chief Investigator, Principal Investigator or as a Local Collaborator. 583 members of Trust staff have participated in research as a research participant throughout 2014/15.
16 Performance Highlights The Trust met 30 day targets for the following metrics: 30 day target from receipt of a Complete valid Application to receiving R&D approval 30 day benchmark from receipt of an SSI (Site Specific Information Form) form to R&D approval 30 day benchmark from R&D approval to date first participant was recruited to the study for 20% NIHR Portfolio studies
17 Partners
22 Culture
23 Research-based practitioner model Role and responsibility of the individual practitioner to keep abreast of research and ensure it’s use in practice Professional education and training seen as key Linear process of accessing, appraising and using evidence
24 Embedded research model Research use through embedding results in standards, policies and procedures Responsibility for research use lies with policy makers Research direct into planned practice change
25 Organisational Excellence Model Successful research use lies with local service delivery organisations through leadership, management and organisational arrangements Organisational culture that is “research-minded” Significant local adaptation of research findings and ongoing learning within teams Partnerships with universities and research organisations to facilitate creation and use of research knowledge Wider view of research and evidence
26 Strategy
27 Strategic objective ‘We will develop Nottinghamshire Healthcare through world class research, development, innovation and excellence in education’.
28 Trust research strategy Research leadership, what are our priorities? The research environment – in partnership with others Research systems Research capability and capacity Research into practice Service User and Public involvement Working with industry Knowing how we are doing and what is the impact.
29 Strategy refresh How do we best place the Trust in a changing partnership world? How do we develop innovation and evaluation? What is the best way to support and encourage research and innovation in clinical services? How do we ensure continued research and development independent of changing national funding streams? What research culture are we aiming for within the Trust? What non clinical research should we be exploring?