Infinity & Beyond Preparing teens for lifelong faith formation Charleen Katra & Adrian Herrera
Preparing teens for lifelong faith formation TAKE THE TALENT SURVEY (10 min)
Preparing teens for lifelong faith formation Objectives Objectives “to put people not only in touch, but also in communion and intimacy, with Jesus Christ” [GDC, no.80]. Calls for Mature faith Clarifications Clarifications Foundational Formation (Remote) Immediate or proximate Ongoing formation
Preparing teens for lifelong faith formation Six Tasks of Catechesis (serves as the Framework) Six Tasks of Catechesis (serves as the Framework) 1. Knowledge of the faith 2. Liturgical life 3. Moral formation 4. Prayer 5. Communal life 6. Missionary Spirit
Preparing teens for lifelong faith formation Baptismal Catechumenate (Methodology/ how to do this!) Baptismal Catechumenate (Methodology/ how to do this!) 1. It highlights the responsibility of the entire faith community. 2. Reaffirms the centrality of the mystery of Christ in all catechesis. 3. Serves to inspire all catechesis which is lifelong and inherently the responsibility of the Christian community [GDC, no ].
Preparing teens for lifelong faith formation Sharing your story Sharing your story Charleen Adrian Consider Assessment tool/Discerning gifts & Talents (feedback) Consider Assessment tool/Discerning gifts & Talents (feedback)
Preparing teens for lifelong faith formation G : G : “The faith community is called to provide opportunities for the meaningful development and sharing of the gifts and talents of every member” How do you try to incorporate this into your curriculum, or what do you think you are already doing in implementing this target? (share 1 min) How do you try to incorporate this into your curriculum, or what do you think you are already doing in implementing this target? (share 1 min) Large group sharing Large group sharing
Preparing teens for lifelong faith formation Group Exercise (4 people)
Preparing teens for lifelong faith formation G : G : “Discernment is necessary to determine which aspects of secular values, peer pressure and media are harmful or helpful in developing loving relationships.”
Preparing teens for lifelong faith formation G : G : “Ecumenism is the effort among all Christians to bring about the fulfillment of Christ's will for the unity of his followers “Ecumenism is the effort among all Christians to bring about the fulfillment of Christ's will for the unity of his followers.”
Preparing teens for lifelong faith formation G : G : “Families challenged with serious issues are called to remember that a family is holy, not because it is perfect, but because in it God's grace is working.”
Preparing teens for lifelong faith formation G : G : “Discipleship involves the application of Catholic social thought to moral and social issues, both locally and globally.”
Preparing teens for lifelong faith formation G : G : “There are important points of contact between Christianity and Islam that make dialogue between Christians and Muslims potentially very fruitful.”
Preparing teens for lifelong faith formation G : G : “Faith communities are called to enable persons to grow towards a wholeness that is grounded in their right relationship with God and neighbor, and not dependent on physical strength, beauty, status, power or human achievement.”
Preparing teens for lifelong faith formation G12B 6.3.2: G12B 6.3.2: “The Church in the United States has addressed unique issues as it has developed from an immigrant Church to the Church of the twenty-first century.”
Preparing teens for lifelong faith formation G12D 5.1.1: G12D 5.1.1: “Every person is invited to share in God’s divine life by their continual growth as a disciple of Jesus.”
Preparing teens for lifelong faith formation G “Evangelization includes listening to others share their stories, as well as sharing one’s own personal story of faith”
Preparing teens for lifelong faith formation Conclusion: 1.Through Baptismal Catechumenate we: a.Build b.Make transitions c.Nurture potential d.Empower their spiritual skills 2.We are also Catalysts of ministries a. Called to work w/others b. Beyond faith community
Preparing teens for lifelong faith formation Charleen Katra Adrian Herrera