Presented to: North Florida Designated Pilot Examiners (DPE) By: Mark L. Laughridge, FAASTeam Program Manager Date: January 21, 2009 Federal Aviation Administration FAA, North Florida FSDO DPE Meeting
North Florida FSDO DPE Meeting January 21, 2009 FAASTeam The FAASTeam’s Mission is ~ To improve the Nation's aviation safety record by conveying safety principles and practices through training, outreach, and education. At the same time, FAASTeam Managers and Program Managers will establish meaningful aviation industry alliances and encourage continual growth of a positive safety culture within the aviation community.
North Florida FSDO DPE Meeting January 21, 2009 FAASTeam FAASTeam concepts and initiatives: –Unlike the former “FAA Safety Program”, which was a function of each Flight Standards District Office, the FAASTeam is organized throughout the Nation in eight geographic Regions. –The FAASTeam oversight is accomplished by the National FAA Safety Team Manager, Kevin Clover. –Each of the eight FAASTeam Regions reports to the National Manager through a FAASTeam Regional Manager (RFM).
North Florida FSDO DPE Meeting January 21, 2009 FAASTeam –FAASTeam Program Managers (FPM) report to the Regional Managers and conduct the business of aviation safety with the help of volunteers known as FAASTeam Representatives (FR) and FAASTeam Lead Representatives (FLR) –This organizational system allows for: A standardized method for providing safety related information to all. Enhanced quality assurance measures. The means to rapidly disseminate important information related to current aviation safety issues.
North Florida FSDO DPE Meeting January 21, 2009 FAASTeam The FAASTeam priority is Aviation Safety –FAASTeam Program Managers are not tasked with duties other than those oriented to the FAASTeam mission. –FAASTeam Program Managers do not conduct Certification (check rides), surveillance (ramp checks), or enforcement actions associated with the violation of FAA Regulations. –The FAASTeam collaborates and teams up with anyone who makes a conscious effort to promote aviation safety and become part of the shift in safety culture
North Florida FSDO DPE Meeting January 21, 2009 FAASTeam Risk awareness makes aviation safer –Data is compiled to identify accident causal factors and made available through the FPMs. –Knowledge of the factors that cause a mishaps during a particular phase of flight, allow for planning that will preclude them in similar circumstances. –Methods to mitigate risk are developed based on knowledge gained during the review of data. –Risk management procedures are developed and shared, enhancing aviation safety.
North Florida FSDO DPE Meeting January 21, 2009 FAASTeam The FAASTeam has; The availability of data developed by the FAASTeam, The collaborative efforts of the FAASTeam, Industry Partners, and volunteers, The means to communicate information via the Safety Program Airman Notification System (SPANS) in a timely manner.
North Florida FSDO DPE Meeting January 21, 2009 FAASTeam The FAASTeam is “Teamwork” –The FAA –The Flight and Ground Instructors –The Designated Pilot Examiners –Industry Partners and, –All those who are devoted to the enhancement of aviation safety through education, that’s us ~ We are THE FAASTeam!
North Florida FSDO DPE Meeting January 21, 2009 Tower Operations (millions) Runway Incursion Rate Runway Incursions per 1,000,000 Tower Operations * Rates are based on Estimated Tower Operations All Categories of Runway Incursions
North Florida FSDO DPE Meeting January 21, 2009 Takeoff, Approach and Landing Accidents Over half of all accidents occur during these phases. The leading accident factor for takeoffs and landings is loss of control (30.2 % of takeoff accidents and 32.8 % of landing accidents). Other factors include obstructions, night operations, runway conditions and weather.
North Florida FSDO DPE Meeting January 21, 2009 Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) An air defense identification zone (ADIZ) is an area of airspace defined by a nation within which "the ready identification, the location, and the control of aircraft are required in the interest of national security“ Typically, an aircraft entering an ADIZ is required to detail its planned course, destination, and any additional details about its trip through the ADIZ to a controlling agency
North Florida FSDO DPE Meeting January 21, 2009
North Florida FSDO DPE Meeting January 21, 2009
North Florida FSDO DPE Meeting January 21, 2009
North Florida FSDO DPE Meeting January 21, 2009 The End