Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 1 Workshop on Spectator Violence and Misbehaviour Belgian experience Tbilissi, 29 – 30 May 20131
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 2 N F I P National Football Information Point
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 3 National football information point football Belgium. The Federal Police - Integrated footballsecurity - Tasks IVV
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 4
5 Local policeforces police-area ’s - 15 area’s with first division football Gathering of info, analyse and distribution of information arround phenomen footballviolence
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 6 1. Goals IVV More efficient and effectivity of policing by: Better information Better co-operation between all the involved partners.
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 7 Role in policy about football Co-operation with other organisations who work in this field: Homeoffice, league of professionel clubs, footballassociation, clubs, federations of supporters, federation of coachcompanies, preventionservices, Advising role, what do you think about…?
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 8 Incidents and policedeployment To know exact how the fenomen violence in football evoluate, we keep statistics
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 9 Incidents Footballact ( fireworks, provocations, climbe of fences, ticketing, attempts to get inot the stadium without ticket, wrong sector etc….) Violence Vandalism Other (racism, drugs, possession of arms...)
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project matches played and registered (100% registration) 302 matches : 183 with incidents = 60,6% Total number of incidents: Number of matches and matches with incidents last season.
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 11 What kind of incidents?
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 12 Why does it go better last years? No organised fights anymore during last season in Belgium.
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 13 Other approach,focus on: Strict application footballact Communicatie with supporters Differentiation in approach Selfregulation is encouraged
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 14 New trends Free fights National team Beneliga women? Supporters become more active – protest by clubmanagement when things go wrong.
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 15 Evolution of police deployment (First division)
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 16 Police deployment Own policeforce Enforcement from other policeforces, - Other local policeforces - General Reserve - Federal police with with mounted police, watercanons…
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 17 In average 68,2 politice men deployed ingezet (76,1 season , 75 during and 74,9 during ) Totall bil for the police in first division euro 90 stewards in average for each match Police deployment
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 18 The report After each footballseason report concering: The incidents The deployment of police The reports made The stadiumbans The risksupporters The work of IVV – recent developments
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 19 The seminars After every half footballseason, seminar for all Football intelligence officers, First, second and third division. Sometimes speakers about related issues, racism, accademics, foreign policemen…
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 20 Tools for policing Traffic police Hospitality police Information gathering (spotters) Mountained police Evidence gathering teams Quality support Riot police
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 21 Preparation of a match
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 22 Information Strategic Operationel Tactical
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 23 Strategic information Description of the event in all its dimensions, in particular with all the securityrisks (stadiums, arround the stadium, the club…. Measures taken by the government...
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 24 Operational information Gives a correct picture of the event Before During After
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 25 Tactical information During the event From the moment the first supporters shuts his door till the moment the last one is back home
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 26 Before the event Risc-analysis Local: (Strategic - Operational ) Measures??? During travelling: confrontations, arranged or by coincidence theft in group vandalism of coaches Measures???
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 27 Travelling supporters Number of supporters? How many? Risks? How do they come? (by coach, private cars?…) Number of coaches, where from? Which clubs?? When? Intentions?????
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 28 During the event: Operational information What can we expect Tactical information Confirmation of operational How can we deal with the supporters, what behaviour can we expect, What is the effect of policemeasures?..
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 29 After the event What happened? Was the information correct ? Incidents: yes/no, what, where, who, arrests? Risk-analysis can change.
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 30 Informationcycle operational information For all first division matches in Belgian competition (16 teams – 8 matches) Same for second division NFIP in the center of the informationflew (between local and federal interest)
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 31 Informationcircle Local police gives the information about his own team All policeforces have acces to information about all incidents in competition. To give information is more difficult than to ask information
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 32 Intelligence Information about planned actions of hooligans (meetings, fights) Mostly from informers No regulation about dealing with informants in public order in Belgium
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 33 The football intelligence officer In each local police, 1 officer responsible for football in all his aspects Relations with clubs Organise the preparation of the matches Negotiations with club, city-council, neighbours, supportersclubs, … Organisation of the spotterswork Intelligence gathering
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 34 Information - intelligence Can we check the information? What is the source? What is the history of this source of information. True or usualy false? What is the probability that it’s correct? How does this influence the public order?
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 35 How to prepare for a risk match? Each riskmatch needs a preparation -Focus on information/ intelligence (not on reputation) -Adapt deployment on expectations
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 36 The co-ordinationmeeting For each riskmatch co-ordination necessary. Meeting between all parties working for the match: policeforces (home and away, federal police) clubs involved local authority and services envolved (firebrigade, medical service) supportersfederations
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 37 Co-ordinationmeeting All security issues are discussed: times of opening gates, number of visiting stewards sell of food and beverages means of communication specific problems with roadworks latest information about the supporters risks police operations etc….
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 38 Risk-analyse History of violence between the clubs Importance of the game (sportive) Number and kind of risksupporters The stadium and infrastructure The organisation of the match (deployment of stewards is important)
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 39 Information exchange Between the clubs (ticketsale – match organisation) Between the policeforces – informationcycle Practical information about time and place were spotters will work, who will accompany them (cicerone)
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 40 Briefing Who’s responsible for what? Timetable Tour of stadium (carparks, entrance, visitorsarea) Ticketsale Supportersclubs Teamcolours
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 41 Briefing Intelligence Likely flashpoints Planned police operation Method police operation Method command structure Prematchphase Dealing with arrival of awayteam coach
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 42 Briefing Transfert of arrival away fans to stadium Dog section, mountained branch, airsupport unit During match phase
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 43 Briefing Postmatch phase Post match deployment Equipment Health and safety Other briefings Meals Prisoner reception
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 44 Prematch in the stadium Sweeping of the stadium, any objects that can be dangerous? Infrastructure?
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 45 The commandroom Matchcommander and security officer from club CCTV (camerasystem) Public adres Contact with medical service and firebrigade
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 46 After the match Any incidents? Stewards,police or supporters wounded? Damage to the infrastructure? Arrest and evidence of the incidents? Who will work further on the reports?
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 47 Debriefing Very usefull when incidents happened. Prevent the same in the future Points of intrest, good practises Make sure that all the reports are made against the authors Identification of the authors in next matches
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 48 Evidence gathering teams
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 49 Evidence gathering teams 1 section of police Observationteam Camerateam Identification - arrestteam
Tbilissi, May 2013 Taiex project 50 Thanks for your attention Questions?