Othello Act V Monday, November 10, 2014 Honors MYP
Quick Write: Mercy and Vengeance At the end of the play, Othello stabs Iago, but Iago teases Othello that he is only wounded, not dead. In response, Othello says “I am not sorry neither. I’d have thee live, for in my sense ‘tis happiness to die” (Shakespeare ). Do you agree with Othello’s statement. Is this an act of mercy or an act of vengeance to Iago? How? Explain your answer.
Objective, Agenda, & Homework Objective: Students will identify key plot events in Act V of Othello. Agenda: Quick Write Check Act V Homework and Collect Greek Roots Go Over Act V Questions Watch Act V Clip Homework: Study for the Othello test on Wednesday.
Act V Questions 1.How would Iago gain from Roderigo's death? Cassio's? If Roderigo dies, he cannot demand that Iago return the jewels he supposedly gave to Desdemona. If Cassio is killed, Iago can remain lieutenant, and Cassio cannot tell the truth about Iago to Othello. 2. What happened when Cassio and Roderigo fought? Roderigo ambushed Cassio outside Bianca’s house and stabbed at him. However, the blade did not pierce Cassio’s armor, so Cassio stabbed and wounded Roderigo. Iago then came from behind and stabbed Cassio in the leg. 3. What did Iago do after he wounded Cassio? After wounding Cassio, Iago left. He returned with a light and “discovered” Cassio after Lodovico and Graziano entered the scene, heard the men's’ cries, and didn’t know what to do. Iago then killed Roderigo and blamed the whole situation on Bianca.
Act V Questions (Continued) 4. How was Desdemona faithful to Othello to the end? Desdemona told Emilia that Othello did not kill her, rather she killed herself. 5. What was Emilia's reaction when Othello told her that Iago had revealed Desdemona's affair with Cassio to him? Emilia called for help. She told all the details she knew about Iago’s villainy, including the story of the handkerchief. When Iago stabbed her, she told Othello that Desdemona was chaste and loved him. 6. Who told the truth about Iago? Emilia told the truth about Iago. 7. What happened to Othello, Iago and Cassio in the end? Othello killed himself with a dagger and died upon a kiss from Desdemona. Iago was taken away to be tortured and killed. Cassio was named governor of Cyprus.
Act V Film Does the film portray Act V as you pictured it? What similarities does the film have to the play? What differences does the film have compared to the play? Is there any key information that you feel was left out?