1 English II Honors Block 4B Wednesday, 2/24/16
2 Do Now Take out Othello Study Guide 2
3 Othello Study Guide What inspired the writing of Othello? Un Capitano Moor (A Moorish Captain) by Giraldi Cinthio, published in 1566 What human qualities does Desdemona represent? Purity, love, and innocence How are Iago’s soliloquies significant to the story? It gives the audience insight into his actual thoughts and his plans (dramatic irony)
4 Othello Study Guide How does the claim that Othello uses magic come full circle later in the play? Once he is overcome with jealousy, he explains to Desdemona that the handkerchief was charmed to keep his father faithful- he ends up fulfilling the role he has previously denied (jealous and vengeful/irrational and impulsive) How does Iago manipulate every character throughout the play? Othello, Cassio, Desdemona, Roderigo, Emilia, Brabantio
5 Othello Study Guide What qualities of Cassio does Iago take advantage of throughout the play? His behavior while intoxicated, his courtesy toward Desdemona, his naiveté Why does Iago end up killing Roderigo and Emilia, despite the fact that they assist his plan? They both run the risk of exposing his plot
6 Othello Study Guide Why is Iago’s use of both verse and prose within the story significant? Iago switches between verse and prose depending on the character he is speaking to in order to gain trust and manipulate (Othello: Verse, Roderigo: Prose) What causes Lodovico to question Othello’s leadership qualities? Othello berates and hits Desdemona in front of Lodovico
7 Othello Study Guide In pairs or trios (or independently), review your tragic hero terms and vocabulary terms for your test on Friday. Quiz each other on the definitions and look over your original vocabulary sentences, as you will be required to plug in each term in context. Review additional points of significance (use your quizzes, homework assignments/questions, etc.). PowerPoints posted on teacher page may be helpful! Questions for me???
8 Homework Study for your Othello test on Friday, 2/26 (I will return your rough drafts this day as well so that you may begin making revisions. Your final copy will be due next Thursday, 3/3). Test format: Part 1: Tragic Hero Literary Term Matching Part 2: Vocabulary in Context (Completing the Sentence) Part 3: Multiple-choice Questions Part 4: Short Answer Questions (5 questions – must chose 3) *Note that copies of all handouts can be found on my teacher page in the Othello folder!