How to spend SG funds!
Overview/ Agenda 1. FY16 SG Budget Overview 2. Introduction to SG Forms/ Paperwork 3. Common Scenarios 4. Interactive Quiz!
Submitting Appropriation Bills Bills are due to the SG website every Monday at 4pm. No exceptions. Appropriation bills require an appropriation form (excel) to be submitted as well. Co-sponsorship bills must first be brought to the Campus Life committee for approval. Cabinet Exp. should be signed by all AVPs prior to submission All appropriation bills must be sent to the Treasurer (Mitchell Phelps for review by Monday at 8am.
Purchase Order Request
A114 Form or Reimbursement
Cabinet Expenditures
Executive Expenditures
Proof of spending amount Online Quote Invoice
General Payments Bill or Approval of Spending PO Form - Purchase Order form Invoice - Proof of planned spending amount
Reimbursements Bill or Approval of Spending A114 Form Invoice - Proof of planned spending amount Original Receipt Bank Statement – Proof of purchase
Food Purchase Bill or approval of spending List of attendees ( w/ proof of food being provided) PO Request form Classic Fare Catering? Student groups get 50% off!
Online Order Bill or Approval of Spending PO Form - Purchase Order form Invoice - Proof of planned spending amount
Question #1 Senator Jenna is submitting paperwork for a breast cancer awareness program in October that she passed a bill for and is appropriating $240 to purchase 60 t-shirts. What forms will she need to provide?
Answer 1 Bill or approved spending form Invoice Purchase Order Request Form UC Printing Vendor info!!!!
Question #2 Senator James is submitting paperwork for appropriations bill passed for an SG “Late Night Smores” event at Sig Sig Commons. He had purchased the smores items on his own at a local Kroger and is now looking to be reimbursed. The supplies totaled $152. What forms will he need to provide?
Answer 2 Bill or approved spending form List of attendees ( w/ proof of food being provided) A114 Reimbursement Form Original Receipt(s) Copy of Bank Statement
QUESTIONS? Contact Mitchell at: or call (419)