Energy Storage and Transformation ATP Info Biology 30 Mrs. S. Pipke-Painchaud
Where is energy released in the cell? Mitochondria Which carries out what important energy process? Cellular Respiration UTMB
Energy... What is the common form of energy inside of cells? ATP Released energy is temporarily stored in high-energy ATP Molecules ATP – Adenosine TriPhosphate
Animation Intro Dr. Saul’s Biology ndex.html ndex.html
What is ATP? Composed of: 5 – carbon sugar (ribose) A nitrogen base (adenine) Three (3) phosphate groups a/commons/f/fd/ATP-3D-balls.png
ATPs Chemical Formula C 10 H 18 O 15 N 5 P 3 Image from Wikipedia:
The Process When energy is needed from ATP, an enzyme breaks the bond between two phosphate groups, releasing one phosphate and energy. The remaining molecule is ADP (Adenosine diphosphate)
Animation - process Kaiser: ser/biotutorials/energy/ ml ser/biotutorials/energy/ ml
When energy released by cellular respiration needs to be stored, a phosphate group is added to ADP forming ATP, and energy is stored in the bond between the phosphate groups.
ATP’s Lifespan ATP Average Lifespan 50 seconds
Demos Human Example In Class Blocks and Elastics model
Resources Enzymes: s100/lecturesf04am/lect04.htmhttp:// s100/lecturesf04am/lect04.htm