Seite 1 Green Electricity from the Mediterranean from Vision to Partnership March 2009 Dr. Paul H. Suding, GTZ
Seite 2 Seite 2 1. The Basis: TREC - DESERTEC Trans-Mediterranean Renewable Energy Cooperation (TREC), initiative of the Club of Rome, international network of scientists and engineers’ collaboration amongst countries in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa (EUMENA) Two studies, MED CSP and TRANS-CSP, directed by German Aerospace Centre (DLR) Energy Research, financed by German Ministry for the Environment (BMU), presented in 2006 the solar potentials, future energy requirements and opportunities for CSP and the Transmission of Green electricity Results were used to develop the DESERTEC concept (Clean Power from Deserts) 26/01/2009 AWZ GTZ RE in Africa
Seite 3 Seite 3 DESERTEC Vision of EUMENA interconnected electricity transmission 04/03/2009 DAG Egypt Subgroup Env
Seite 4 Seite 4 2. New Dynamics: “plan solaire” or Mediterranean Solar Plan Developing the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), French officials picked up the DESERTEC Idea and joined forces with German BMU to elaborate the Mediterranean Solar Plan (MSP), or “Plan Solaire Méditerranéen” MSP has become one of the key projects of the newly founded UfM, presidency of France and Egypt MSP has provided enormous politic momentum and the common denominator of related initiatives 26/01/2009 AWZ GTZ RE in Africa
Seite 5 Seite 526/01/2009 AWZ GTZ RE in Africa MSP Objectives 20 GW of new installed capacity by 2020 with focus on Concentrating Solar Power, Also includes other Renewables and Energy Efficiency Supply domestic markets and to export markets, in particular in the European Union Total investment of the scheme estimated at 80 to 100 billion Euro
Seite 6 Seite 6 Phase 1 ( ): Definition of Objectives and Organization of Process Phase 2 (2009 – 2011): - Development of economical and technological Pilot Projects Master Plan and Feasibility Studies Phase 3( ) Large scale development 26/01/2009 AWZ GTZ RE in Africa Steps of MSP
Seite 7 Seite 7 Status of MSP 02/2009 Ad 1. after numerous Meetings in Europe in 2008; Organization of Process still on; Questioning of pilot project based approach (vs focus on framework conditions in MENA and EU) Efforts to including better the needs and views of developing MENA countries From task force to core group Ad 2. List of Projects under development, Based on REMAP Project list and others Open: Criteria for selection, Financing etc Planned investors conference in Egypt 26/01/2009 AWZ GTZ RE in Africa
Seite 8 Seite 8 3. From Plan to Partnership - numerous related activities… RCREEE study on EU mechanisms related to import of Green Electricity (draft presented ) EU MED EMIP study For the identification of the "Mediterranean Solar Plan“ until May 2009 World Bank mission to include projects in the Clean Technology Fund European Climate Forum Study Action plan proposal from EU REMAP project Topic of many conferences …. 26/01/2009 AWZ GTZ RE in Africa
Seite 9 Seite 9 3. …numerous related activities Prefeasibility and Feasibility studies for Solar Thermal Electricity Generation and PV projects and countries Studies on the Transmission requirements - Supergrid CSP Projects under construction and planning Project development and construction of new transmission connections 26/01/2009 AWZ GTZ RE in Africa
Seite 10 Seite 10 From Plan to Partnership: Actors, stakeholders and framework conditions The scheme can only be implemented by many actors, private sector as well as governments, on both sides of the Mediterranean Utilities, which invest in generation and transmission capacity, and produce, transmit, contract and sell electricity as a business. Other stakeholders include equipment manufacturers, public and private financing institutions, regulatory and development agencies, research and education facilities. National governments must create an appropriate framework 26/01/2009 AWZ GTZ RE in Africa
Seite 11 Seite 11 From Plan to Partnership: Coordination and Cooperation Coordination in case of Europe within the European Union, in case of MENA through RCREEE and others; overall coordination UfM? Development cooperation support enabling conditions (capacity development, technology transfer, financing and financing schemes, project development) Common Road Map needed! 26/01/2009 AWZ GTZ RE in Africa
Seite 12 Seite 12 Thank you for your attention!! 26/01/2009 AWZ GTZ RE in Africa