Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Plan(CCIP) Training Module 4 Funding Application Pages
Agenda Funding Applications main page Sections Allocations Navigation Budget Grant Details Plan Relationships Related Documents Validation CCIP Training Module 42
Funding Applications Main Page Launching point to all of a district’s funding apps View filters – Fiscal Year – Application status filter CCIP Training Module 43
Funding Applications Main Page Entitlement versus Competitive Revision Status Status Date CCIP Training Module 44
Sections Overview of a selected funding app revision Launching point to pages within funding app CCIP Training Module 45
Sections - Status Displays current status and next possible status(es) Only displays next status for current application Link always active; if user lacks permission, the status change confirmation screen will indicate that Status applies to all grants in the funding application CCIP Training Module 46
Sections Section – a grouping of related pages in a funding application Contains one to many pages Each grant in funding app will have its own section May be grant-specific or general to overall application Sections for unallocated grants will not display CCIP Training Module 47
Allocations Page Displays allocation for each grant in funding app Read-only; data imported from NCDPI Allotment system Planning allotment or actual allotment Hover mouse over abbreviate grant name to see full name CCIP Training Module 48
Funding App Page Navigation Go To / Save and Go To menu allows navigation between any pages in funding application CCIP Training Module 49
Save and Go To …continued Using Save and Go To refreshes session timeout Save and Go To Current Page: Saves changes to the page and keeps user on that page Save and Go To Next Page: Saves changes to the page and moves user to next page in that section Save and Go To Previous Page: Saves changes to the page and moves user to previous page in that section – If no previous or next page exist, user is returned to Sections page Clicking on an item with list of sub-items is same as clicking on that item’s first sub-item CCIP Training Module 410
Budget Page Displays budget data for each grant in funding app Read-only; data imported nightly from BAAS Imported at lowest level of detail and rolled up to parent codes for display on this page CCIP Training Module 411
Budget Page …continued Ability to waive allocation on the original application by checking the waiver box Ability to view budget data for all entities, the central office, or by building CCIP Training Module 412
Grant Details Page Additional information about LEA’s use of grant funding beyond what is captured in budget Entered directly into CCIP by LEA users CCIP Training Module 413
Page Locking Pages are locked down when application is in approval process – Application must be returned unapproved if changes are desired to an application that is in approval process – Revision must be started to modify an application that is approved CCIP prevents multiple users from editing the same page simultaneously – User will see message indicating the user that is locking the page – Lock is released after that user leaves the page or his session times out CCIP Training Module 414
Plan Relationships A read-only, targeted view of data from Planning Tool that is linked to this grant Link to grant exists when there is a goal and strategy, plus either of the following: CCIP Training Module 415 Fiscal Resource indicating tie to this grant Action Step with a Grant Relationship indicating tie to this grant
Related Documents NCDPI may request that LEA attach additional documentation to funding application Documents may be required or optional Can attach document or insert hyperlink Clicked links will open in new browser window CCIP Training Module 416
Adding a Related Document CCIP Training Module 417 Browse for file to upload, or enter a URL – Make sure URL is for a publicly accessible web page Optionally enter a Document Name – If left blank, name of required document is used – Displays on Related Documents page, under “Document/Link” column
Title I – Additional Pages in Grant In addition to the four pages in every grant (Budget, Grant Details, Plan Relationship and Related Documents), Title I has three additional pages: – Building Eligibility – Set Asides – School Allocations – PPA List CCIP Training Module 418
Building Eligibility The Building Eligibility page is populated nightly by the ESSR system. LEAs have the ability to enter the Total Low Income Non-Public School Students for each building. LEAs have the ability to manually rank schools by entering numbers in the sort order column. This will allow assignment of a higher PPA amount for to a building with a lower Low Income percentage. After entering the sort order, click the Save And Go To button to save changes. CCIP Training Module 419
Set Asides Depending on the low income level of the schools identified as served on the Building Eligibility page, LEAs are required to use a factor of 100% or 125% in determining the minimum per pupil allocation amounts. LEAs that provide Title I services to any school(s) below 35% low income are required to use the 125% funding factor (except when the school that is below 35% low income is utilizing the grandfather rule) CCIP Training Module 420
Set Asides The Title I Allotment amount is populated nightly by the NCDPI Allotment system. % of Set-Asides (Non – Public School Pro Rata Share) value is calculated based on the Total Number of Non-Public Low Income Students for Served Buildings entered on the Building Eligibility Page divided by the Total Number of Low Income Students for Served Buildings (both Public and Non-Public) CCIP Training Module 421
Set Asides Enter the amount Set Aside for each relevant line item. Once Finished, Click Save and Go To CCIP Training Module 422
School Allocations – PPA List Based on the district allocation and the number of low income students, the NCCCIP will calculate the minimum Title I per pupil allocation (PPA). CCIP Training Module 423
School Allocations – PPA List Enter a per pupil amount into column F for each school. This may be the minimum PPA or higher amount. With district set asides established, LEAs are encouraged to have a minimal amount remaining. No lower ranked school may receive more Title I funds per poverty child than any higher ranked school. CCIP Training Module 424
Validation Business rule checks put in place to ensure quality of data being submitted by LEA System automatically runs validation as application is completed Presence of validation issues indicated on the Sections page, under the Validation column – Messages do not appear on the page as user fills out data – System does not prevent saving of “invalid” data; prevents submission of invalid data – Validation checks can span pages – “Invalid” data can become valid based on subsequent input CCIP Training Module 425
Validation …continued Two types of validation messages – Errors: Prevent submission of application – Warnings: Point out potential issues but allow submission Filtering Messages – All: Show every message – Section: Show all messages for pages in that section – Page: Show all messages for that page CCIP Training Module 426
Validation …continued Each message is a clickable link Clicking link will take user to the screen on which the issue occurred CCIP Training Module 427
Special Validation Considerations Some validation issues may not be resolvable in CCIP – CCIP imports organization, allocation, budget, and building eligibility data from other systems at NCDPI – User may need to update data in that system and wait for CCIP to re-import it Time lag in import processes may cause temporary invalidity of data that will resolve itself CCIP Training Module 428