Our Museums
Some Local Museums o Carnegie Museum of Pittsburgh, P o Independence Hall of Wheeling, WV o Underground Railroad Museum of Flushing, OH
Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania The Carnegie Museum of Natural History features exhibits on insects, mammals, botany, dinosaurs and fossils, gems, minerals, geology and several areas of anthropology.
The Independence Hall of Wheeling, West Virginia
The White House-The White House is located Washington, D.C. It is where our president lives. Our current president is Barack Obama; he is the first black president in the history of the United States. Smithsonian- The Smithsonian is located in Washington, D.C. It has a staggering collection of dinosaurs, the Wright brothers’ Flyer, a famous research center, the 45-carat Hope Diamond, and the continent’s only Da Vinci painting. American Museum of Natural History –The American Museum of Natural History is located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan in New York City. The museum is well-known for its three large dinosaur hall and an enormous blue whale. There are also over 30 million artifacts, loads of taxidermy, and interactive exhibits. (The White House) ( The Smithsonian) (American Museum of Natural History) +