The National Citizen Survey™ Ashland, VA Summary of Findings November 29, 2011 ©2011 Survey conducted by: National Research Center, Inc th St. Boulder, CO (303)
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.2 The National Citizen Survey™ (The NCS) Background ► ICMA/NRC initiative ▲ Turnkey omnibus citizen survey service ▲ Benchmark comparisons ▲ Over 250 participants in The NCS in over 40 states ▲ Over 500 jurisdictions in full database
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.3 Uses of Survey Results Inform budget, land use, strategic planning decisions Measure government performance Benchmark service ratings Monitor trends in resident opinion Results can be used to:
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.4 Study Background and Methods 2011 Survey: ► Multi-contact mailed survey ► Representative sample of 1,200 residents and households ▲ 383 surveys returned; 34% response rate ► 5% margin of error ► Data statistically weighted to reflect population
The National Citizen Survey™ Community Ratings
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.6 Overall Quality of Community Percent “excellent” or “good” Remain in Ashland for the next five years 87% Would recommend living in Ashland to someone who asks 93% = national benchmark comparison Ashland as a place to live 95% Overall Quality of life in Ashland 92% Neighborhood as a place to live 87% Above above the benchmark
The National Citizen Survey™ Community Design
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.8 Availability of paths and walking trails 70% Ease of walking 81% Transportation Percent “excellent” or “good” Ease of bicycle travel 73% Traffic Flow on major streets 68% Ease of car travel 77% much above the benchmark Ease of bus travel 36% Much below
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.9 Transportation Services Percent “excellent” or “good” Sidewalk maintenance 75% Traffic signal timing 78% Amount of public parking 62% Street cleaning 82% Street repair 69% much above the benchmark Street lighting 69% Snow removal 71%
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.10 Housing Chart Above the benchmark Similar to the benchmark
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.11 Land Use, Planning and Zoning 63% Quality of new development in Ashland above the benchmark Percent “excellent” or “good” 80% Overall appearance of Ashland much above the benchmark
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.12 Economic Sustainability Percent “excellent” or “good” Employment opportunities 39% Overall Quality of businesses and service establishments 69% Shopping opportunities 63% Ashland as a place to work 63% above the benchmark
The National Citizen Survey™ Public Safety
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.14 Public Safety Felt “very” or “somewhat” safe NeighborhoodDowntown After dark During the day From Violent Crime 90% From Property Crime 75% From Environmental Hazards 86% 97% 86% 81% 96% = national benchmark comparison
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.15 Safety Services Percent “excellent” or “good” Crime prevention 87% Traffic enforcement 82% Police services 86% much above the benchmark
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.16 Environmental Sustainability 63% Recycled used paper, cans or bottles from home at least once in the prior 12 months Percent “excellent” or “good” 87% Cleanliness of Ashland 86% Quality of overall natural environment 84% Air quality 70% Preservation of natural areas such as open space, farmlands and greenbelts much less than the benchmark much above the benchmark
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2010 National Research Center, Inc.17 Utility Services Chart ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.17 above the benchmark
The National Citizen Survey™ Recreation and Wellness
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.19 Parks and Recreation Percent “excellent” or “good” 65% Recreation opportunities Similar to the benchmark 88% Town parks above the benchmark
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.20 Culture, Arts and Education Cultural and Educational Opportunities Educational opportunities 70% Opportunities to attend cultural activities 70% Percent “excellent” or “good” much above the benchmark
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.21 Health and Wellness Above the benchmark
The National Citizen Survey™ Community and Civic Engagement
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.23 Community Inclusiveness Percent “excellent” or “good” 86% Ashland as a place to retire 71% Openness and acceptance of the community toward people of diverse backgrounds 50% Availability of affordable quality child care 87% Sense of community 92% Ashland as a place to raise children above the benchmark
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.24 Civic Activity 72% of respondents felt opportunities to participate in community matters were “excellent” or “good” 79% of respondents felt that opportunities to volunteer were “excellent” or “good” Percent “excellent” or “good” above the benchmark much above the benchmark
The National Citizen Survey™ Town of Ashland Government
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.26 Public Trust Percent “excellent” or “good” 66% The overall direction that Ashland is taking 67% Job Ashland government does at welcoming citizen involvement 62% Value of services for the taxes paid to Ashland 86% Overall image or reputation of Ashland much above the benchmark
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.27 Town of Ashland Employees Percent “excellent” or “good” Responsiveness 88% Overall impression 81% Knowledge 87% Courtesy 85% above the benchmark
The National Citizen Survey™ From Data to Action
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.29 Resident priorities National Benchmark Comparisons “Key Drivers” Key Driver Analysis (KDA) Cornerstone of customer satisfaction research in the private sectorCornerstone of customer satisfaction research in the private sector Tells what service evaluations best predict how well you do overallTells what service evaluations best predict how well you do overall Focuses managers and staff on activities that could “get the most bang for the buck”Focuses managers and staff on activities that could “get the most bang for the buck”
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2011 National Research Center, Inc. 30 Environmental Sustainability Community Design Civic Engagement Street repair Economic development Code enforcement Planning and zoning Snow removal Sidewalk maintenance Preservation of natural areas Storm drainage Garbage collection Recycling Recreation and Wellness Town parks Public information Public Safety Traffic enforcement Police services Street lighting Street cleaning Traffic signal timing Legend Above Benchmark Similar to Benchmark Below Benchmark Key Driver Overall Quality of Services Ashland Action Chart™
The National Citizen Survey™ Custom Questions
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.32 Policy questions Custom Question 1 If the Town were to have to further reduce services, to what extent do you support or oppose each of the following changes? “Strongly” or “Somewhat” support Increase the time to answer citizen complaints for code enforcement issues61% Eliminate special events (e.g. Bluemont Concert Series)42% Reduce park maintenance29% Eliminate some extra police services offered such as vacation house check, business night check and locked door opening28% Reduce the level of street and roadway maintenance/brush and leaf pick-up25%
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.33 Policy questions Custom Question 2 The Town currently does not charge an extra fee for solid waste or recycling pick-up services. Due to increasing costs, the Town will need to reconsider how to provide this service. Which one of the following options best describes how you would like the Town to handle solid waste and recycling pick-up services? (Please select one) Percent of respondents Pay an annual fee to the Town for solid waste and recycling services.44% Discontinue solid waste and recycling service and allow citizens to manage their own solid waste by using Hanover County21% Increase the real estate or personal property tax rate to cover the cost.18% Pay nothing more, but instead cut funding for police, parks & recreation, and street maintenance.17% Total100%
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.34 Policy questions Custom Question 3 The Town could consider creating new recreation amenities. Please indicate the increased tax amount, if any, that you would be willing to pay per year for the construction and operation of such facilities. $0 per year $25 per year $50 per year $100 per year $200 per yearTotal Outdoor multi-use pool expansion or replacement58%34%6%2%0%100% Additional walking/biking trails45%39%8% 0%100% A community center55%37%7%1%0%100% Athletic fields59%34%5%2%0%100%
The National Citizen Survey™ Subgroup Comparisons
The National Citizen Survey™ Demographic Subgroup Comparisons ► Home Ownership ▲ Owners gave generally higher ratings ▲ Renters gave higher ratings for employment opportunities and Ashland as a place to work ► Annual household income ▲ Higher income residents gave generally higher ratings and reported more civic engagement ▲ Those with lower incomes gave higher ratings for the availability of affordable quality food and preventive health services ► Race/ethnicity ▲ Non-white residents gave higher ratings to their neighborhoods as a place to live ▲ Whites gave higher ratings in general, and gave higher ratings for opportunities such as cultural activities, recreation, social events and opportunities to volunteer ► Age ▲ Older (55+) residents reported more civic engagement ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.36
The National Citizen Survey™ ©2011 National Research Center, Inc.37 Conclusions Public safety services Appearance and economic vitality Public trust Highlights Opportunities Public information services Recycling Public Transportation
The National Citizen Survey™ Questions?
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