TCDC Presentation to WasteMINZ 2009
Thames Coromandel District Council
7 Transfer Stations Thames Coromandel Matarangi Whitianga Tairua Pauanui Whangamata
District Stats Population base25,944 Peak period population137,700 Solid Waste rate units23,228 Total TCDC operating expenditure$74,065,299 Solid Waste expenditure$5,886, % Solid Waste Revenue$6,144,698 Made up from 15% General Rate 45% Targeted Rate 40% Fees & Charges Cost per rating unit$253.42
TCDC’s Model The current contract was established in The term is a contract that has rolled over to the second 5 year term due to finish in The model is a prepaid bag and recycle bin system collected weekly. Bags are sold to the public to facilitate user pays. Recycle bins are issued to each property with additional bins purchased. The contract includes : The kerbside Refuse and Recycling collections. The operation of Council’s 7 Refuse Transfer Stations. The transport of waste to the Tirohia landfill. The Contractor pays an annual amount to Council for ownership of all recyclable materials which insentavises maximum waste diversion.
We are also in the testing stage of mixing biosolids and green waste through an in vessel composting machine to produce A grade compost. The introduction of MOLOK in ground collection units has been a very successful operation in some of our main beach areas for both refuse and recycling collection.