1.Discuss Community Facilities Element goals and strategies 1.Review current goals and strategies 2.Discuss possible amendments or additions 2.Discuss Community Facilities Element Action Plan items 1.Review current action plan items 2.Discuss possible amendments or additions GOALS FOR TODAY
As per state code (§ ) the Community Facilities element considers water supply, treatment, and distribution; sewage system and wastewater treatment; solid waste collection and disposal, fire protection, emergency medical services, and general government facilities; education facilities; and libraries and other cultural facilities. The Community Facilities element must be adopted before local governments adopt subdivision regulations or other land development regulations. (§ ) COMMUNITY FACILITIES
The 2009 Comprehensive Plan goals were derived from various sources of stakeholder input, including the Town-wide Visioning Workshop, stakeholder interviews, and ongoing conversations with Town of Mount Pleasant staff and management. Many of the goals were adapted from the 2003 Comprehensive Plan. The goals provide the big picture direction for the development and implementation of the Comprehensive Plan. Strategies, incentives, and regulations are continuously updated and necessarily adapt to changing circumstances, but goals should endure and provide stability and direction over time. Town of Mount Pleasant Comprehensive Plan ,Introduction to Goals INTRODUCTION TO GOALS
1.Maintain and expand the quality and location of public spaces throughout Mount Pleasant, including the introduction of pocket parks in infill areas to serve as accessible gathering places within nodes of activity. 1.Ensure that public gathering spaces are available within close proximity of all Town residents. 2.Develop new and improved public parks and gathering places along waterfront locations. 3.Increase the presence of public art at key destinations in the community. 2.Maintain effective, efficient public services in the areas of public safety, transportation, schools, parks, water, wastewater, and stormwater. 1.Identify specific levels of service for public service providers and develop strategies to maintain those levels of service through anticipated future growth. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES ELEMENT GOALS
2.Continue planning to meet the needs of the future population with forward- looking planning efforts for all community facilities. 3.Promote regional service provisions where operational efficiencies can be gained through these means. 4.Maintain Mount Pleasant as a “water rich” community with a sustainable water supply that meets the quality of life expectations of the Town’s residents and businesses, while cleaning wastewater to a pristine level. Consideration: Change to “Maintain effective, efficient public services and infrastructure in the areas of public safety, transportation, schools, parks, water, wastewater, and stormwater.” 3.Ensure that fiscal resources are available to provide targeted levels of public services, such as desired capital improvements and necessary staff. 1.Encourage appropriate commercial development to increase the property tax base and minimize the tax burden on homeowners. 4.Take a leadership role in intergovernmental cooperation whenever multiple jurisdictions have overlapping interests in the Town of Mount Pleasant, such as with Charleston County and Mount Pleasant Waterworks. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES ELEMENT GOALS
1.Coordinate land use designations at jurisdictional boundaries to ensure land use compatibility and coordinated service delivery. 2.Continue to work with state, county, and local partners to enhance emergency preparedness and maximize resiliency in response to all types of disasters, natural and manmade. 5.Increase the community’s understanding of and engagement in key issues facing the Town of Mount Pleasant. 6.NEW – Consideration: Ensure the services provided by the Town match the needs of the community and accommodate the changing population 1.Provide programs and services that meet the needs of the growing aging population. 2.Ensure the Town has technology in place to operate efficiently and meet the technology infrastructure needs of the community to support businesses, education, and citizens. 7.NEW – Consideration: Construct and improve public buildings and facilities to meet the needs of the community. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES ELEMENT GOALS
Target Strategy: Maintain established levels of service for all public services and develop fiscal projections necessary to support these levels. Target Strategy: Take a flexible and opportunistic approach to expanding water access for the Town. Identify a variety of potential sites and pursue favorable opportunities as they arise. Incentivize the provision of public access for waterfront developments. Create incentives to encourage developers to contribute land for schools, recreation, and other public facilities. Encourage the annexation of unincorporated areas within the Town’s Planning Area to provide better coordinated and enhanced public services. Promote green building practices to reduce energy and water consumption, and wastewater discharges and increase the reuse of raw materials. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES ELEMENT STRATEGIES
Adopt and implement the Recreation Master Plan. Status: Not adopted, some portions are being implemented. Consideration: Change to “When resources permit, expand recreation facilities as per the Recreation Master Plan.” Develop a more integrated approach to water management throughout the Town by increasing the use of captured rainwater, increasing the use of reclaimed water, and reducing average and peak water demand. Use technology to increase citizen participation and awareness of local government issues. Status: Ongoing. Consideration: Change to “Continue to promote technology and public outreach efforts to increase citizen participation and awareness of local government issues.” Continue to work with state, county, and local partners to enhance emergency preparedness and maximize resiliency in response to all types of disasters, natural, and manmade. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES ELEMENT STRATEGIES
NEW – Consideration: Ensure that the Town of Mount Pleasant plans for and meets the needs of the growing population of older residents. NEW – Consideration: Conduct an IT Needs Assessment to ensure that the Town has the necessary technology to operate efficiently and support the needs of the community. NEW – Consideration: Ensure that infrastructure is maintained as it relates to the safety of the community, to meeting the economic development needs of businesses, and to the general welfare of the community. NEW – Consideration: Coordinate the development and implementation of master plans such as the ADA Plan, Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan, and Infrastructure Management Plan. NEW – Consideration: Complete the plans for and begin construction of the new Town Hall. NEW – Consideration: Explore the integration of multi-use, multi- purpose facilities into any new libraries that are constructed. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES ELEMENT STRATEGIES
Develop a Memorandum of Understanding with the Charleston County School District to coordinate new school site locations, facility sharing agreements, and re-use of existing sites and buildings. Status: Coordination is always ongoing. Consideration: Remove Continue to develop an annual Capital Improvements Program with forecasts for capital costs and revenues. Status: Ongoing Consideration: Change to “Implement and update the annual Capital Improvements Program.” Implement recommendations developed by the special citizens’ committee on level of service. Status: Complete Consideration: Remove Continue to perform an annual review of the Hurricane Action Plan. Status: Ongoing Consideration: Change to “Develop an Emergency Operations Plan and coordinate with all departments and other local, state, and federal agencies”. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES ELEMENT ACTION PLAN
Adopt and implement the Recreation Master Plan. Status: Not adopted, some portions are being implemented. Consideration: Change to “When resources permit, expand recreation facilities in accordance with the Recreation Master Plan.” Integrate water access goals into the Recreation Master Plan. Redesign Mount Pleasant’s website to further encourage citizen participation and awareness of key issues facing the Town, and develop a monthly electronic newsletter for the Town of Mount Pleasant. Status: Complete, new Town website launched in Consideration: Change to “Promote citizen and business engagement programs through the use of technology and other more conventional methods”. Continue to pursue and promote the annexation of existing unincorporated areas. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES ELEMENT ACTION PLAN
Coordinate with Charleston County Recycling to track and encourage recycling in the Town. Status: Ongoing Consideration: Change to “Develop programs in cooperation with Charleston County to continue encouraging recycling and other waste management strategies in order to minimize waste management costs.” Develop and adopt Low Impact Design elements in the stormwater management plan. NEW – Consideration: Develop a Facilities Maintenance Plan. NEW – Consideration: Continue to develop the paramedic program to respond to the growing number of medical emergency calls. NEW – Consideration: Construct Fire Station #6 with Police sub- station and staff appropriately. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES ELEMENT ACTION PLAN
NEW – Consideration: Conduct an IT needs assessment. NEW – Consideration: Implement the Infrastructure Management Plan. NEW – Consideration: Conduct a yearly needs assessment for recreation programs. NEW – Build the new Town Hall. NEW – Conduct a Building Needs Assessment. NEW – Coordinate with the school district, all local schools, and nurseries to create a master database, and through that effort make sure security and emergency plans are coordinated with the town. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES ELEMENT ACTION PLAN