Research proposal The research proposal IS NOT a thesis. carries a promise for future research What?Why?How?When? has to convince as to significance, plausibility, coherent RD like a blueprint for construction DOES NOT involve data processing; ONLY identification of type of data, method(s) of data collection / data analysis Announcing/writing the research question/puzzle NO: My research question is.... YES: My study examines.....
Structure Literature review / theoretical framework Methodological section / model of analysis Intended structure Timeline Bibliography 5-6 pages (excluding bibliography)
Literature Review and Theoretical Framework: analysis (NOT description) of relevant literature (NOT NEWSPAPERS ARTICLES) to your research subject links to your research/case study. ! An encyclopedic list of sources which you summarize will not do. The point is to show knowledge of - key scholars, - major academic debates - different schools of thought in the area of your research - ability to place your inquiry in the context of existing research (NOT NEWSPAPERS ARTICLES) Your goal is to answer the questions: - who has worked on related questions? - what insights have they gained? - how does YOUR project contribute to existing literature? This is also the section where you clarify the THEORETICAL concepts relevant to your subject and the definitions with which you will operate.
Methodology clarify and justify approach, explain method(s) of data collection, data analysis (method), hypotheses (if the case) In this section, you have to answer the question: how will I conduct my research? While explaining your approach and methods of data collection and data analysis you also have to explain why your proposed method(s) is/are adequate for the inquiry.
Theoretical/Empirical Study For a theorist: this may mean following a tradition of political thought and so the discussion of your theoretical methods may be part of your literature review. For an empirical study: - clarify the method(s) of data collection and data analysis, and the timeline covered. - explain what type of data you are using and the sources from where you plan to collect it. - if you plan to test hypotheses you should be clear how you constructed those hypotheses (e.g. existing literature, statistical evidence).
Intended Thesis Structure: provide a short idea (one grand paragraph) of how you plan to structure your thesis. The point: the way you structure will show if you a have an analytical rather than a descriptive (i.e. chronological structures for example qualify as descriptive) approach to your research.
Timeline: how you plan to schedule your research activities so that to complete your thesis in one semester. show that the projected inquiry is restricted enough to be manageable and large enough to be significant. link to structure of the intended thesis: should make about half a page.
Introduction: set up context stress importance of research identify key concepts announce clearly the research question (issues examined), argument. Aim for one solid paragraph covering in short - answers to what, why, how, when. Give a preliminary statement of the problem you seek to address and show how the project has some promise of making a significant contribution to knowledge and/or understanding. At the minimum the proposal should map out a coherent line of inquiry and this should be clear from the introduction. This is also where you justify the importance of your project.
Intro paragraph basic frame 1-2 sentences context/problem This study/thesis/ I..... examine by focusing upon follows a X,Y,Z approach(es) (seeks to test existing hypotheses in current literature if the case). This is a quantitative/qualitative study (or mix) - comparative or case study Relies upon a set of primary and secondary data (ex....) collected for the period Applies/data analysis will be conducted through
Sources: For the proposal to be convincing that it is doable you should show that the resources necessary to carry out your project are available here at the AUBG library, are available through electronic databases or that you have secured access to them. This refers to both academic sources (academic journals, books) and statistical databases from pollsters, international organizations, research institutes.
Bibliography unlimited pages indicating read and unread (but relevant to your subject) material. Your sources should be listed in alphabetical order following the same citation style. no bibliography, automatic grade = C ! Citation Style: no requirement for a particular citation style but expectation that you will use one of the recognized citation styles (e.g. Harvard, Chicago, Turabian, MLA). - state it on the first page on the proposal. - be CONSISTENT in using the citation style you picked.
Referencing in text Quotes – reference specific (TO THE PAGE) Paraphrasing – reference general Ibid. / op. cit. p. / pp.
STYLE The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do. ~Thomas Jefferson It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what other men say in whole books - what other men do not say in whole books. ~Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols