“Releasing and Taking Back”


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Presentation transcript:

“Releasing and Taking Back” Vocabulary Lesson 15

English 11 Homework: 3-Column Chart WORD ALL DEFINITIONS (COPY FROM THE SHEET!) YOUR OWN SENTENCE (THIS WEEK: GERUND PHRASES) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Abdicate DEF: to formally give up control, authority, or a high office POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: What might make someone abdicate his/her position? EXAMPLE: Getting old might make someone abdicate his or her position. Receiving death threats might make someone abdicate his or her position.

Absolve DEF: a. To clear of guilt or blame b. To relieve from a requirement or obligation POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: What would make someone want to be absolved? EXAMPLE: _(gerund phrase)_ would make someone want to be absolved.

Catharsis DEF: A purifying or refreshing release of emotional tension POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: What might be a catharsis for you, or what might cause you to want a catharsis? EXAMPLE: An example of catharsis for me might be _(gerund phrase)_. _(gerund phrase)_ might cause me to want catharsis.

Countermand DEF: To cancel or reverse an order or policy POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: What might be the result of countermanding something? EXAMPLE: Countermanding ______________ might lead to _____________.

Impunity DEF: Exemption from punishment or injury POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: What is something that could lead to impunity? EXAMPLE: _(gerund phrase)_ could lead to impunity from _(gerund phrase)_.

Recant DEF: To formally take back or reject a statement or belief POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: What has caused you to recant a belief or statement? EXAMPLE: _(gerund phrase)_ caused me to recant my belief/statement that _____________________.

Recoup DEF: To regain; to make up for POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: What might cause you to try to recoup money or other things you may have lost? EXAMPLE: _(gerund phrase)_ might cause me to try to recoup my _____________.

Renounce DEF: a. To give up, especially by formal announcement b. To reject; to disown POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: What would you be fine with renouncing? EXAMPLE: I would be fine with renouncing ____________________.

Rescind DEF: To take back; to make void; to repeal POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: What is something you would/would not like to see rescinded? EXAMPLE: Rescinding __________________ would/not be a good idea because…

Waive DEF: a. To give up voluntarily; to relinquish b. To refrain from insisting on or enforcing POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: What is something that you think is or is not a good idea to waive? EXAMPLE: Waiving _______________ is/is not a good idea because….