EndNote allows you to: Access your references from any computer with internet Collect references from online sources Drop citations into your paper as you type in MS Word Choose the referencing system that is required for your assignment Share collections of references with specified colleagues
Click on the “Sign Up” link Your initial sign up must be on a computer within the DIT domain. After that you may use it from anywhere.
Fill in your details Pay special attention to the password guidelines. They are a bit tricky and it’s not unusual for people to require more than one attempt. When completed click ‘I Agree’ to complete registration
The main parts of EndNote Web are outlined in the getting started guide
To get the full benefit from EndNote Web you will need to download a patch to the computer(s) you will be using it on most. This will place an EndNote tab in your copy of MS Word. To do this: …
In EndNote, first click on the Options tab Next click on “Download Installers”
Click on this link to put the EndNote tab in MS Word (It doesn’t matter what browser you are using). See the link below for Macintosh.
…Install the EndNote Web Cite While You Write (CWYW) toolbar in MS Word. Once installed, the patch will …
Main ways of getting references into EndNote Web: 1.Search DIT Library Catalogue 2.Export from a database which links with EndNote Web 3.Enter reference manually 4.Find information online
To search DIT Library first click on the ‘Collect’ tab and select ‘Online Search’.
When you enter this area for the first time you’ll need to customise the list by clicking “Select Favourites”.
From the list on the left, Find and select “DIT Library” and click “Copy to Favourites”
Now, you can choose “DIT Library” from the drop down list. Then click “Connect”
Carry out your search as normal…
Then, select which of your reference groups to add the references to First, check the references you want to save
These references are now saved to EndNote Web
Exporting references to EndNote Online 1: ScienceDirect
Carry out your search as normal
Check the references you wish to save then click on “Export”.
There is no need to change anything here, Just click the “Export” button
A small file is downloaded to the “downloads” file on your computer. This will need to be imported into EndNote.
Under the ‘Collect’ tab, click on ‘import references’.
Find the file in ‘downloads’ The ‘import option’ to choose is ‘RefMan RIS’ Decide where the reference will be saved.
The references have been put into EndNote.
Exporting references to EndNote Online 2: ISI Web of Knowledge
Carry out your search as normal
As before, check the article(s) you’re interested in. Then click “Save to EndNote online”.
Two records are transferred to your EndNote Web library.
Sometimes it will be necessary to enter the references manually…
If this is the case click on ‘Collect’ then ‘New Reference’…
From the drop down list Select the appropriate reference type
Just clicking in a field will open it for text editing As you come out of each field the details are saved
Using with
Before you begin click on “preferences”. Under “application” enter your EndNote login details and check the box that says “remember my address and password”.
To enter a reference, first select the EndNote tab
Select “Insert Citations”
Enter a search term for the reference you seek and hit “Find”
When you find the correct reference click “insert”
This will: 1: Enter the reference in brackets at the point where the cursor is located 2: Begin constructing a bibliography at the end of the document
If you’d like to have a title for the bibliography click on the bibliography preferences
Click on the “Layout” tab Type your preferred title in The “Bibliography title” box
You can choose your referencing style from the “style” dropdown list.
Simply select the appropriate style and EndNote will make the required changes.
If the required referencing system is not there don’t panic, you can adjust the drop down list selection in your EndNote account online…
Under the “Format” tab select “Bibliography”. You can then select your favourites which will be the selection available to you in MS Word.
EndNote also has a tool which allows you save references of material you find on the web…
Go to the “Options” tab and again select “Download Installers”. Then you just need to grab the “Capture Reference” button and drag it to your bookmarks bar.
When you click the “Capture Reference” button a template is opened (as above). Notice that some of the fields are already filled in. You fill in any other information you have and send the reference to EndNote.
Please Note: For this function to work you must have your browser’s ‘pop-up blocker’ turned off.
If you are having any problems with EndNote Web or you wish to arrange some instruction please contact the library at Bolton Street at: Phone: Or simply drop in.