Why are GCSEs so important? Short term -Entry into Sixth Form -Further Education Courses -Employment Long term -University Entrance -Employment
What do I need to come back to Sixth Form? Parents and pupils should note that all Grosvenor Grammar School pupils who meet all of the following criteria will automatically have the right to a place in the Sixth Form, regardless of the grades/points of outside applicants to the School: (i) have achieved 15 or more points in their GCSE subjects where a GCSE grade A* or A = 3 points, B = 2 points and C = 1 point [Please note the grade achieved in Religious Studies (Short Course) is worth half the points of a full GCSE Grade i.e. A* or A = 1.5 points, B = 1 point and C = 0.5 of a point]. The Principal will determine the points awarded for other non-GCSE level 2 qualifications; (ii) satisfy the Principal on past school record and achievement (including attendance, behaviour, motivation and punctuality); (iii) have an interview with Grosvenor Grammar School careers staff to choose a course of study which shows he/she has a reason for entering Sixth Form and has a suitable match of subjects.
What happens in Sixth Form? Most pupils will study 4 AS subjects in lower sixth Most pupils will study 3 A2 subjects in upper sixth A dedicated Sixth Form centre Well developed careers education programme to help prepare pupils for options at post 18 Games and general studies periods are timetabled for all pupils
What do I need to think about? Does your child meet the entrance criteria? Are they prepared for another two years of intensive and focused study? What is the choice of subjects and are there three/four that are suitable? What are the alternatives? Do they have the recommended grades in their chosen subjects?
So, what subjects are available? Art and Design Biology Business Studies Chemistry Drama Economics English Literature French Geography German Government and Politics Health and Social Care History Home Economics ICT Mathematics Maths and Further Maths Media Studies Music Physics Psychology Religious Studies Software Systems Development Spanish Sports Science Technology and Design Travel and Tourism
How do the Pupils Choose their Subjects? INTEREST – each subject now requires 8 periods of class time per week and will be in greater depth. ABILITY – a number of subjects have specific and general entry requirements and details of these are contained in the AS Options booklet. MOTIVATION – will they be necessary or beneficial for their chosen university courses or careers?
How do they not choose their subjects? Do not be ruled by stereotypes Do not pick subjects just because their friends are doing them Do not pick subjects because of teachers they like / dislike Good subjects / bad subjects Ultimately, make the decision that is right for your child
What help is available? Careers Department – 5 th form careers periods Interviews – are arranged for all pupils (29/2 – 9/3) Subject teachers – will know your child’s ability and potential in that subject Information session – to cover subjects that pupils have not studied before School library –time has been spent researching careers and AS options AS Options booklet – all pupils will be receiving a booklet containing all the relevant information Additional interviews with the careers adviser from DEL
How can I help??
What do we do now? Discuss the options available. Returning to school may not necessarily be the best option. Pupils who do not wish to return to school or are concerned that they might not obtain the points required, should be looking out for information on college open days and filling in application forms (applications for Belfast Met and SERC are now open). All forms are to be returned to form teachers by Friday 11 th March Pupils need to begin making revision schedules and timetables. Help will be provided with this in form time.