Social Change Project Self-Efficacy; Creating Autonomy By Madonna Kellen
Background Clients with disabilities are among the highest rate of unemployed individuals in the United States (, 2012). There is a lack of empowerment in self- efficacy among disability and mental health clients (Tew et al, 2011). Minnesota was estimated to have a 15% unemployment rate among individuals with disabilities in 2000 (, 2012).
Gaps In Services According to “Advocating Change Together (ACT),” of St. Paul Minnesota, the gap is defined. “People with developmental disabilities are isolated. People with developmental disabilities are excluded.” Presently Being Done - “We build the skills of individuals by providing information, skill building, and leadership opportunities”
Broader Affects Increasing autonomy of clients with coexisting mental health and/or disabilities through successful task completion has been found to increase self efficacy (Tew et al, 2011). However, tasks outside of the clients Zone of Proximal Development, may lead to increased failure and decrease self-efficacy and/or independence. Clients who repeatedly fail experience decreased self-efficacy due to attempting tasks that are outside of their skills and abilities (Kozulin, Gindis, Ageyev, and Miller, 2003).
Self-Efficacy Defined Self-Efficacy – “An individual’s conviction that he or she can successfully execute the behaviors required to produce the desired outcome (Bandura, 1977).” Self-Efficacy – Reflection is an internal process explaining both learning and behavior change (Schunk & Zimmerman, 1998).
Re-Defined Defined: Self-Efficacy – Self-efficacy can be defined as individual self-perception and behavioral components. (O’Sullivan and Strauser, 2009). Newly Defined - Self-efficacy is a continuous mental process combining experiences, completion of performance tasks, followed by reflection of performance, ending with either altered or unchanged beliefs about abilities. Altered self-efficacy is the result of cognitive restructuring (Beck and Beck, 2011).
Extending Research These supports promote improved self- efficacy. However, tasks that consider Zone of Proximal Development (tasks neither too difficult nor too easy) promote autonomy and learning developmentally and are needed to build self-efficacy and autonomy (2003). This study will extend upon previous research increasing self-efficacy using cognitive restructuring in completing a task within ZPD.
Measures Zone of Proximal Development Measured by Client Performance Testing Client Task Analysis Measures Percent of Effective Completion of Task. Pre and Post Client Surveys using a Likert Scale. These indicate a perceived level of self- efficacy pre/post task analysis. They also allow both qualitative and quantitative data analysis (Sheperis et al, 2010).
Reflection This project would extend upon current work programs for clients with mental health and disability challenges. It would do this by assigning tasks within a clients ZPD to increase effective task completion, increasing self efficacy. It is theorized that effective task completion would lead to greater confidence increasing the clients independence (2009)
Challenges This work would re-define earlier definitions of self-efficacy. As new definitions are often challenged, data recording measures, controls, and variables would need to be closely monitored. Due to the complexity, cost, and logistics involved, a small number of participants would need to be chosen or supports would need to be increased. Small or single case designs need to be repeated to increase the validity and reliability. Finding task specific to each clients ZPD
Resources Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84, Benson, Johnson, Taylor, Treat, Shinkareva and Duncan. (2005). Achievement in college online and campus based career and technical education courses. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 29: 369–394, 2005 Copyright # Taylor & Francis Inc. ISSN: print/ online DOI: / Beck, J. S. and Beck, A. T. (2011). Cognitive behavior therapy: Basics and beyond (2 nd Ed.). New York, NY. Guliford Press. p 19, 80, 104. Tew, Ramon, Slade, Bird, Melton and Boutillier (2011). Social Factors and Recovery from Mental Health Difficulties: A Review of the Evidence Br J Soc Work (2012) 42(3): first published online June 15, Kozulin, Gindis, Ageyev and Miller (Sep 15, 2003). Vygotsky's educational theory in cultural context. New York, NY. Cambridge University Press. p 90, 131, Norcross, J., Hogan, T., & Koocher, G. (2008). Clinician’s guide to evidence-based practices: Mental health and the addictions. New York, NY: Oxford Press. p O’Sullivan and Strauser. (2009). Operationalizing self-efficacy, related social cognitive variables, and moderating effects implications for rehabilitation research and practice. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin Volume 52 Number 4 July © 2009 Hammill Institute on Disabilities / hosted at Retrieved on July 20 th, 2012 from Retrieved on October 10, 2011 from ClientNodeID=984642&coursenav=1&bhcp=1. Retrieved on July 20 th, 2012 from Sheperis, C. J., Young, J. S., & Daniels, M. H. (2010). Counseling research: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Schunk, D. and Zimmerman, B. (1998). Self-Regulated Learning: From Teaching to Self-Reflective Practice. New York, NY. Guilford Press. p 3-46