1 Guidelines for Thesis/Dissertation Submission Taipei Medical University Library updated
2 Visit library TWICE for completing the submission process 1.Graduate Thesis Certification, 2. Graduate Student Thesis Publication Agreement, 3. Graduate Thesis Defense Confidentiality AgreementDocuments preparation: 1. Graduate Thesis Certification, 2. Graduate Student Thesis Publication Agreement, 3. Graduate Thesis Defense Confidentiality Agreement Graduate Student Thesis Publication AgreementCome to library for stamping “Graduate Student Thesis Publication Agreement” Upload your thesis/dissertation Reviewing process It takes 3 days to review the application and please wait for further notification Print out thesis/dissertation based on the approved file Come to library to submit 1 copy of HARDCOVER thesis/dissertation AND the signed Agreement which is attached to the notification message Done! 1st visit 2nd visit
3 Upload thesis/dissertation process STEP 1 Convert your MS WORD files to ONE single PDF format. The TMU watermark is required to be added to the Electronic version of theses/dissertation. Please set up content protection measures for the PDF file. STEP 2 Please log into the electronic thesis/dissertations service system.electronic thesis/dissertations service system Fill out the basic information of your thesis, upload your PDF file. You will receive an notice with an attachment of authorized agreement if the submission is successful. STEP 3 Please print and sign the authorized agreement, bring the signed document and one copy of your HARDCOVER thesis/dissertation to the library information desk. Move on to the next step of graduating process.
4 MS WORD File convert to PDF format Convert file – Please convert all the files into ONE single PDF file. If your thesis is separated into more than 2 WORD files, please save them as PDF format one by one, and then use PDF editor software to merge them. – Must have in your thesis/dissertation 1.Graduate Thesis Certification 2.Graduate Student Thesis Publication Agreement 3.Graduate Thesis Defense Confidentiality Agreement – Note: Please make sure the title of your thesis/dissertation in all documents (above mentioned) are the SAME. – Adobe Acrobat version should be 7.0 or higher
5 Simple Steps for PDF Conversion PDF files can be created easily from many different applications, such as MS Word, InDesign, etc. The following six steps will show you how to make a PDF file from MS Word 2010 using SAVE command. Converting from other applications would be basically the same. 1)Locate a PC in which MS Word2010 and Adobe Acrobat version 7 or higher are already installed. 2)Open the MS Word file 3)From the FILE menu, choose SAVE AS 4)For TYPE of file, choose "PDF (*.pdf)" 5)Click SAVE. 6)The converted PDF file will open in Adobe Acrobat automatically
6 Simple Steps for PDF Conversion Open the MS Word Save as Choose PDF Type from the drop-down menu Save
7 Merge Several PDF Files into One Single File 1)On a desktop/laptop that already has Adobe Acrobat installed, please open one of the PDF files. 2)On the top menu, click on DOCUMENT ( 文件 ) 3)Choose INSERT PAGES ( 插入頁面 > 從單個檔案 ) 4)When the dialogue box pops up, choose the 2nd PDF file to merge with the first PDF file. 5)In the next dialogue box, choose whether you want the 2nd file to be inserted BEFORE ( 之前 ) or AFTER ( 之後 ), and at which page it should start. 6)After merging all PDF files into one, please save a different file name.
8 Merge Several PDF Files into One Single File 1 2 3
9 Add Watermark in PDF file The TMU watermark is required to be added to the Electronic version of thesis/dissertation file. Download “TMU watermark file” to your local computer.
10 Add Watermark in PDF file Open your PDF File with Adobe Acrobat and choose “Document”→ ”Watermark”→ ”Add…”
11 Add Watermark in PDF file Opacity: 100% Location: Appear behind page Click “browse”to find the watermark Absolute Scale: 50%
12 Set PDF Security 1)Open your e-thesis with Adobe Acrobat 2)Click the Locker icon →Show Security Properties or select File → Properties or 「 Ctrl+D 」 to set up Security 3)Security Method : Password Security
13 Set PDF Security 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 1.Select Document Components to Encrypt: select Encrypt all document contents 2.DO NOT select Require a password to open the document 3.Permissions : 1)Select 「 Restrict editing and printing of the document … 」 2)Change Permissions Password, set up your personal password 3)Under Permissions-Printing Allowed, choose 《 High Resolution 》 4)Under Permissions-Change Allowed, choose 《 None 》 5)Select Enable text access for screen reader devices for the visually impaired 6)Re-enter the password → Done!
14 How to Upload File 1/10 System Website
15 How to Upload File 1/10 System Website
16 How to Upload File 2/10 System Website 2.English Version
17 How to Upload File 3/10 Please provide the basic Information of thesis/dissertation If you are not ready to submit, click on “save”, the system will keep the information you have entered for 30 days. Remember to continue the unfinished process to avoid the data being deleted.
18 How to Upload File 4/10 Fill in the information of committee members Fields with asterisks are required. Please copy committee member’s Chinese name from department website. Add additional committee members if there are more than two committee members for your thesis/dissertation.
19 How to Upload File 5/10 Upload Thesis / Dissertation Select your PDF file
20 How to Upload File 6/10 Upload Thesis / Dissertation
21 How to Upload File 7/10 Authorization Note: What you have chosen for your thesis/dissertation to be public must be consistent with the date provided on Graduate Student Thesis Publication Agreement. Note: What you have chosen for your thesis/dissertation to be public must be consistent with the date provided on Graduate Student Thesis Publication Agreement.
22 1. Graduate Student Thesis Publication Agreement 2. Agreement generated on ETDS system The same release date Release date must be consistent!! Agreement form generated on ETDS system Graduate Student Thesis Publication Agreement Recently revised form
23 How to Upload File 9/10 Proceed to submit or save data for later submission. The submission is almost coming to an end. Please click “proceed the submission process”. If you are not ready to submit, save it for the time being. The system will keep the information you have entered for 30 days. Remember to continue the unfinished process to avoid the data being deleted. Then Click NEXT. It will lead you to the final page of the submission. If there is no problem, then click Confirm.
24 How to Upload File 10/10 We will notify you the result of submission by within 3 working days. Please check your mailbox and spam folder frequently.
25 Checking List 1/3 Before uploading to ETDS system □ My thesis/dissertation is a final version □ Merge all my documents into One single PDF File. Including: – Graduate Thesis Certification – Graduate Student Thesis Publication Agreement – Graduate Thesis Defense Confidentiality Agreement □ Please make sure your Thesis/Dissertation title in all documents(above mention) are the SAME. □ PDF file has been set up with security protection □ TMU watermark is added to all my thesis pages.
26 Checking List 2/3 Uploading □ The basic information of thesis is correct. □ The information of committee members is correct. □ “The release year of Graduate Student Thesis Publication Agreement” and the agreement generated on ETDS system have the same time interval.
27 Checking List 3/3 After receiving SUCCESS notification message Bring the following documents to school library information desk. □ One copy of your HARDCOVER thesis/ dissertation – Reminder: It usually takes one week for the copy shop to print HARDCOVER thesis/dissertation. □ Print and SIGN the authorized agreement, which is attached to the .
28 Conditions of use TMUL website ELIS 館藏 ( 書刊 ) 查詢系統 Electronic Resources Management System Contact us Tel: ext Mail :