Alumni Club Leadership Training – September 12, 2008
Football Tickets UKAA has an allotted block of tickets for each home game Tickets are sold in blocks to clubs based on the club’s reported activity Football ticket request form will be provided to all club presidents in the spring Away game tickets are typically available and can be purchased through UKAA REFER TO FORM
Basketball Tickets UKAA has an allotted block of lower arena tickets to all home games. Tickets are sold in blocks to clubs based on the club’s reported activity. Basketball ticket request form will be provided to all club presidents in late summer (contingent on the release of the schedule). No away game tickets available. REFER TO FORM
Ticket Distribution System Please note the responsibilities of the following parties in the ticket distribution system: Local Club UK Alumni Association Members
Responsibilities of Local Clubs Request tickets through UKAA by specified date and select a volunteer to manage the ticket distribution. Submit request for ticket offer to be sent to club members (indicate whether the club wishes to offer a mail or ticket request). Requests can be submitted by completing the online form at Approve ticket mailer/ once prepared by UKAA. Decide how many tickets from the club allotment are going to be held for raffles, giveaways and officers.
Responsibilities of Local Clubs, cont. Receive ticket requests from club members and fill orders based on random drawing. (Exceptions: clubs with century scholarship funds, priority points system). Use the self-addressed, stamped envelope provided by the member to either mail tickets to the member or return the check if they were not selected. Record the section, row, and seat number for each recipient. Send payment for club tickets to UKAA.
Responsibilities of UKAA Inform local club of ticket allocation process and deadlines. Assign allocation and send to Club Development Committee for approval. (recommendation made as a result of 2008 Club Ad-Hoc Committee) Inform local club of their total ticket allocation after all requests have been received. Prepare and send ticket offer notice to members in the local club area offering the opportunity to request tickets through the local club. Inform clubs of amount owed to UKAA for ticket allotment.
Responsibilities of Members Send ticket request along with payment and a self- addressed stamped envelope to the designated club volunteer.
Ticket Allocation Based on membership and activities recorded on club event log. Other factors – number of prime games, number of weekend games.
Compliance The UK Athletics Department has met with us to stress the importance of keeping track of the volunteers that hold each specific allotted ticket. Instances of tickets sold on E-bay (or similar sources) or scalped WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. This can result in the Alumni Association losing those seats for the remainder of the season. Clubs who participate in anything incompliant with ticket policy may lose their ticket privileges permanently.
Ticket Scalping Notice TICKET SCALPING NOTICE: If sufficient evidence is received by the UK Athletics Association that tickets assigned to you were sold for greater than the face value of the ticket, even if criminal charges are not filed against you, the UK Alumni Association, your local club, and you as an individual may permanently lose the privilege to purchase those and other tickets in future years. If any tickets assigned to you have been posted on any Internet ticket broker site or sold without your approval please contact those individuals.
Things to Note Tickets are a MEMBER benefit. Notices will only be mailed/ ed to members. notices will exclude those that we do not have a good address for or those who have ‘opted out’ of s from UKAA. Mail notices will count toward the club’s membership based allotted budget. UKAA strives to distribute tickets in as fair of a manner as possible – please keep in mind that your club is one of 50+ clubs and that our ticket number is limited.
Things to Note, cont. A $3 processing fee is charged by UKAA to cover processing costs. Clubs wishing to receive an allotment of tickets must have a representative present at the annual Club Leadership Training conference to be eligible. There is an online request form available for individual members to request tickets (mainly to service our members who live outside a club area or in a club area not requesting club tickets) Deadlines MATTER!