Vocabulary Words Week One August 23-27
Abhor Verb To hate something completely I abhor small-mindedness.
Absurd Adjective Inconsistent with reason or common sense The idea that Michigan is better than Ohio State is truly absurd.
Acumen Noun Intelligence; sharpness Deskins’ mental acumen earned him a scholarship to Harvard.
Agitate Verb Disturb; annoy Chandler agitated Mrs. Copp with his constant talking.
Animosity Noun Hatred There has always been animosity between Ohio State and Michigan.
Annihilate Verb To destroy completely Hurricane Katrina annihilated New Orleans.
Anomaly Noun Something irregular; out of the ordinary Alex is usually very quiet; her outburst today was an anomaly.
Apathetic Adjective Lethargic; listless Ty seems apathetic about class; he hasn’t completed an assignment in weeks.