Low Income Housing Tax Credit (HTC) Basic Training COURSE OVERVIEW This Course provides the participant: - with an understanding of the importance of the Housing Tax Credit (HTC) program in developing affordable housing - the information necessary to determine if households qualify for the HTC program; - the ability to gather the extensive tenant documentation required for the HTC program. After successfully completing this course, you will have the knowledge and tools to ensure HTC Compliance at your property. Thursday, October 20, :30 am – 5:00 pm AGENDA 8:30 amHousing Tax Credit Program Overview 9:15 amHTC Rules and Regulations 10:15 amDocumenting Household Eligibility 10:30 amCalculating Income 12:15 noonLunch 1:00 p.m.Practice Exercise – Calculating Income Amounts 2:00 p.m.Telephone Clarifications Practice Exercise – Telephone Clarifications 2:30 p.m. Practice Exercise – Applicant Eligibility 3:30 p.m.Annual Recertifications 3:45 p.m.File Audits 4:15 p.m.Correcting File Deficiencies / Noncompliance 4:45 p.m.Questions and Answers Participant Comments: “We are spoiled by the quality of information and presentation from the instructor.” “Juanita is extremely helpful and knowledgeable.” DON’T FORGET TO BRING A CALCULATOR! LOCATION INFORMATION Training will be held at: Radisson Hotel & Conference Center 3131 Campus Drive Plymouth, MN Hotel Phone: (763) Continental Breakfast, Snacks and Buffet Lunch Provided! Free On-Site Parking! 7.5 Hours of MN Real Estate Continuing Education Approved! Instructor: Juanita Pekay (763) TRAINING PROVIDED BY: Janken Housing Solutions, Inc Terraceview Lane Maple Grove, MN 55311
Low Income Housing Tax Credit (HTC) Basic Training REGISTRATION FORM for October 20, 2005 QUESTIONS / COMMENTS: Contact Juanita Pekay at Or Please submit this registration form with a check for $150 per person payable to Janken Housing Solutions, Inc. (Registrations will not be accepted without payment.) MAIL WITH PAYMENT BY OCT. 11 – Must be received by October 14! Instructor: Juanita Pekay (763) TRAINING PROVIDED BY: Janken Housing Solutions, Inc Terraceview Lane Maple Grove, MN Mail to:Janken Housing Solutions, Inc Terraceview Lane Maple Grove, MN (763) Fax: (763) Organization: ________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________ City / State / Zip: _____________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________ FAX: _________________________________ Name: _________________________________ _____________________________ I need Real Estate Continuing Education Credits: Yes
2006 HTC Basic Training Schedule Janken Housing Solutions, Inc. Mark these dates so you can send new staff members! January 17, 2006 –Plymouth Radisson April 18, 2006 –Plymouth Radisson May 16, 2006 –St. Cloud Civic Center July 18, 2006 –Plymouth Radisson October 17, 2006 –Plymouth Radisson